Aussies, put down your beer and your sisters for a second and tell us about this cunt. Why does he call himself a comedian?

12  2018-04-16 by Ant_Sucks


Because you can’t say faggot on network television.

He used to be a morning radio show host funnily enough. He's also Gay and that show is on a very left leaning TV station (obviously). The other guy is Doug Stanhope, he's an alcoholic and a comedian.

The disabled comments on every single one of his videos made me think "diversity hire", but he did have a less gay shirt than Doug.

There is no real sense of comedy in Australia. Yeah sure we have those faggoty comedy galas in Melbourne and shit, but Canada has Just For Laughs too and they're just as bad. If our mainstream media were a person, it'd be an obese transgender Chinese Muslim with an LGBTQ flag hanging out his ass.

Our style of shitposting is fairly representative of what "real" Australians are like, but of course they're not represented in the media at all. Even the radio is virtually nothing but hipster AIDS.

Watch this next to a woman and try not to sock her in the mouth.

Times Up.Louis CK.We want Louis back ya fuckin cunts.

Idk what this means, but i agree.

Never heard of him before this popped on youtube because of all the Stanhope ive been watching. He doesn't seem cut out for that job.

I've known three Aussie couples my while life and all three were brother and sister! Fuckin gross. Theywere all alcoholics as well.

I guess wearing old leisure suits makes him funny to some people?