Images that blow Joe Rogan's mind [12/50]

110  2018-04-16 by DirtyCrappedBriefs


See if you break it down to a fundamental we're all just stardust and that's why you can't tell me you know anything. Cause we don't know shit! Which one is the Windex? You can't answer that in any definitive way because on a Quantum level THEY'RE BOTH WINDEX. Pull up Uncertainty Principle, Jamie.

Except mountain dew is carbonated and windex is not.

You're not getting it man. You're not thinking on that other level. Ever done DMT?

I doubt this guy has even been in an isolation tank

I like to carbonate my windex in a sodastream machine

how important is the link?


tons.....for faggots

wtf give me 10 of those

Its all fractal bro. Dmt, alpha brain, compact bows bro

I'll take that refreshing windex, fuck mountain dew.

It's so weird, man...

You know about the thing with the sugar industry, right?

Bring that up Jamie


Jamie, pull that up...

...pull that up, Jamie.

Someone call redban

Have you seen that picture of the blue Mountain Dew next to the windex? It's fucking insane.

Human Eyesight alone, without aid of psychedelics, is SUCH a poor, poor judge of reality. There was a study in Canada that showed unaltered humans couldn't see difference between Windex and soda.


pull up those pictures Jamie

I mean...what is blue really? What are chemicals? Could a bear beat an alligator in a fair fight? I don't know. I don't have the answers. I'm just a 5ft2 man on steroids.

This is insane. I saw on the internet 2 glasses, one filled with Mountain Dew, yeah the blue one and the other filled with Windex Crystail Rain which is also blue. Get this, they both look identical. It's crazy, right?? Jamie, pull that up.

You know why its illegal to drink Windex right? Cos William Randolph Hearst owned Mountain Dew and didn't want the competition so he bought out Windex outlawing its use for any other purpose other than cleaning windows. Jamie! Google, can Mountain Dew clean windows?

That is so gross!

I mean, that kinda trips me out too

imagine if drinking windex actually cleaned your insides and they were all sparking and disinfected. that would be CRAZY!!! jamie pull up a video of a lion fucking a turtle.


Voltage rules. I'm very fond of blue dranks. Blue Red Bull too

Have you read Zecharia Sitchin's book on Mountain Dew? He theorizes that Mt. Dew and Windex are the same thing. Yeah, it's crazy shit, man.

Better drink both just to be safe.

It's obvious which one is Windex as one glass is sparkling with the deep cleaning power of Windex® streak-free shine.

This thread is the most accurate bashing I've ever seen

It's such a strange, strange concept that we exchange little green pieces of paper for blue liquid with CHEMICALS in it to drink. Humans are so weeiird, man.

Bring that up Jamie