Artie is sorry again

65  2018-04-16 by ilikemycheetoswithcr


The linked tweet was tweeted by @artiequitter on Apr 16, 2018 08:07:47 UTC (3 Retweets | 14 Favorites)

Sorry Anthony, Keith, Ali, Garret John Indian guy (Dot Not Woo) & the fans for beina no show last week. I blew it recently-the Indian too! I’ve been clean but yrs of bein me caused brain damage. I may get yelled at today. Or fired. Hope not. Love all of u. It’s so fun!

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Fuck you

Out of all the faggy bots on reddit this one actually serves a purpose.

Fuck you too

shut up already you fat junkie faggot, just be funny again.

What you don't think barking one-liners like a dog and wheezing after every one is the height of comedy?

The main problem is that about 70% of the one liners makes no sense. And the wheezing followed by Ant's over the top courtesy laugh gets infuriating.

Whateva. Addicts who choose consistently to be so, are just that, addicts. That's the goal they've set for themselves in this world. With full knowledge and aforethought, the addict chooses this, multiple times, regardless of who they harm. No emotion, just reality. Addicts know their end. They just prefer the slow, tortured method that eventually exhausts us all whom are healthy and well adjusted. Let the self pity they all wallow in, swallow them whole.

that eventually exhausts us all whom are healthy and well adjusted

Oh look at Mr Fancy Pants here.


Nice understanding of addiction, stupid

Good day, Sir.

what the mother fuckin hell is going on.

What a fucking embarrassing mess.

i dk, u guys seem to be pretty tough on him. he seems sorry n he wont do it again

He’s scheduled to be sentenced on May 18. Gotta get high now before mandatory testing, probation, or a jail sentence.

When someone with an IQ of 45 tries to be manipulative.

ant has been around opie for years, he knows the routine

What is he even taking about? Who is this 'Indian' he keeps alluding to? Is it a drug-induced hallucination that he thinks is real and works at Compound Media? All of this would seem to corroborate his 'brain damage' excuse, but it's all fairly redundant at this point. Artie's is dying because he's a drug addict. He could have blamed his no-show on any of his organs and he'd of been right.

Could it be a reference to a casino or something ?

(Dot not woo)

The dots run the hospitals, not the casinos. Probably the guy that drilled out his nose so he could breathe through it again.

Maybe he thinks Big A is an Indian Chief.

An addict is as reliable as a broken compass

I'll have you know that he's a very reliable addict

I love that Ant and Keith won't do shit to him. Bitches.

Not to mention enablers

Artie is an adult.

So was Lady Di.

Enablers for him skipping shows, not being a smackhead mess.

Yeah, Artie needs to be more professional if he wants to stay at Compound Media.

It must be the same type of contract they have with their service provider so even if he/it doesn't work they still have to pay and alienate the fan base regardless. I wonder if they discuss these outstanding items and how they might be effecting their business? CM is a bizarre operation.

They really are. It’s pathetic.

They deliberately hired a junkie, it turned out exactly as everyone expected.

They run for the man.

I mean if Anthony wanted to actually get peoples attention he should let him do the H live on the air. Instead of just paying him to do it in the bathroom.

Fired? Impossible, Artie. You know better than anyone how much of a wimp Tranpa is.

Just drop dead already.

Self destructive junkie,The only time H isn’t on Artie’s mind is when the letters EART come after it.

fawkin homerun

Thankya whole lot friendsss yaye¡

for you it's Umour

A joke so good even the devil says 'tss' DVVDVV

This overdose can't come fast enough

I may get yelled at today. Or fired. Hope not.

This nigga keeps thinking Anthony is ever going to confront him.

It's a way for the faggot to garner sympathy.

You would think the ex cop would have no problem confronting a dirty junkie.

Oh wait Art’s not black.

He really is an excuse for a human being

Awwww, he doesn’t realize that everyone gave up on him already. Adorable.

He's still breathing,fuck.

you can stuff your sorries in a sack, mister

Tss dat would be 1 sad sack

I still don’t know what that means.

At least the Indian line was funny

Fired?? AHAHA WHOLE-E-SHIT, Keith give em' a raise!!

I would like to feel bad for him but fuck him. Great paying, 8 hour a week job with clearly no prep and even then u repeat the same fucking stories and jokes and interrupt anyone talking about anything u don't quite understand in order to steer the conversation back to sports/sopranos/gambling/drugs. Fucking self centered turd

By get yelled at does Artie mean fake laugh through his tears?


This guy makes me think “maybe shooting up isn’t such a bad idea”

it’s working out pretty fucking well for him

stuff your sorries in a hat, mister

Man, must be nice to just be able to dissapear from work for weeks at a time and not even offer an explanation.

Hey, MikeDieselKamehameha, just a quick heads-up:
dissapear is actually spelled disappear. You can remember it by one s, two ps.
Have a nice day!

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haha, loser


Frank Anomaly (@frank_anomaly) Replying to @artiequitter I also miss the podcast, and I hate Cumia and his right-wing fucktardary, so I wouldn't feel bad if you got canned. But clearly you need to address whatever is causing you to no-show a part time job that you don't even have to arrive at until the late afternoon.

Graeme Flynn (@joydivision70) Replying to @artiequitter You have an easy job just turn in and do the "work" some people have real work to do,stop being a lazy victim and get you're shit together...sick of listening to you whine on these days.

There isn't a single facet about Artie that isn't completely exhausted by this point. Anything he says or does you just have to roll your eyes at. When he finally dies the appropriate response will be to just shrug. He'll continue to buck the odds and stay alive for longer than anyone anticipates, though, and along the way will be so many screw-ups and absences and aw shucks excuse making.

You guys are fags made me so embarrassed and emotional I deleted my very good joke niggers Im sad you should fuck my mouth and give me money for tokens 😢

That was almost coherent

Well I'm convinced. He will be turning his act around, starting . . .now!

Who the fuck does he even think he's kidding anymore?

How many chances is this actual drug addict going to get.

Can you imagine if Artie was a black guy on some other show? The racial tirade that would follow would be monumental. Fucking dopehead who can't even show up for a 2 hour job 4 days a week.



Same old Artie, it's all a big goof to him.

Ant you are the biggest pussy, ever.

He havent been clean for years perhaps a month or two.

All this and he isn't even shooting it. Man up and shoot it!

He’s sprinkling that shit on cheeseburgers.

I’m confused by the angry posts here, this is fantastic news. Artie is basically turning an existing shit show into an even bigger shit show & the fact that he is speeding up the process of Ants eventual neverous breakdown & bankruptcy is a beautiful thing.

Poor you!

I'll have you know that he's a very reliable addict

Hey, MikeDieselKamehameha, just a quick heads-up:
dissapear is actually spelled disappear. You can remember it by one s, two ps.
Have a nice day!

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