Opie, Anthony and Jim: what order do they die in?

9  2018-04-16 by cbanks420lol


Irrelevant, pointless and worthless

Sounds about right. Thread closed.

Bad dog.

Jim = tranny stabs him after lousy blow job. Anthony = drinks himself to death at one of his parties Opie = alone, old and penniless in an old shack in the woods. Thinks the animals are on his show, then a bear rips open his chest. Finally getting rid of his tits.

ant dies on the toilet trying to shit, jim dies because someone coughs on him one day and he completely loses his mind and ends up jumping off a skyscraper and opie dies at a very old age after his wife takes all of his money and sticks him in a home for 30 years.


Anthony dies first by a mile. Opie and Jim will live to be quite old, but Jim’s sterile lifestyle will have him outlive Opie and he’ll be in a wheelchair looking like Gollum