Mrs chipperson is fawking hawt

82  2018-04-16 by lylechipsterston


Armo Mrs Chipperson has crazy eyes.

What is happening to this place

Faggotry, is normal.

Remember when this sub scared her away

No I do not sir

she's still here. if she has any sense, she won't post though.

I don’t think she’ll be posting anywhere anymore....

she still posts on twitter, or did something else happen recently that I'm not aware of?

I think she may have passed away recently.

Was it the pic of her asshole that did it?

Ha. I hope.

Pic or it didn't happen.

It was one of those ms paint style drawings let me try to find it, I am one lazy nig.

Fuckin stop this cringy shit you faggots.

so you contribute nothing to the sub, call faggot at people who do, and don’t even get the joke or reference. sniff

ME: He's another problem.

¿Who is this frida kahlo looking bitch?

A useless Persian cunt who did a horrible shooting job.

OP is saying Mrs Chipperson is as crazy as that Iranian robotic hot chick that shot AT the YouTube HQ (injuring 3 but killing none)... then only succeded in killing herself.

that woman makes a good case for buhrkas in Iran

I disagree.

Looks shopped. We need Jimcey on this one

it was muuuurder

i want every sub member to spray cum on that dumb cunt . mz. chippwrson,

So we're never going to see those titties are we?

she still posts on twitter and clearly likes the fact that people enjoy her tits, but I doubt we'll ever see them. not that it'd happen if this place didn't exist, but it especially won't happen because of this place.

10/10 would fuck

Stiff fake tits

Ha. I hope.

Pic or it didn't happen.