R.I.P R. Lee Ermey, dead today at 74

79  2018-04-16 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Good. Fucking one trick pony.

Was some fucking trick though.

Beats going to your Panera job every day

I was employee of the month, bitch

i think I saw him in some submaribe movie


What’s your name pedophile?

Sir private tranpa sir!

I bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a tranny in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around!

I bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a tranny in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around!

I'll be watching you.

“Your as looks like 150 pounds of chewed bubble gum. “

Oh, Erock.

Rip, Brisco County Sr.


In a statement posted on Twitter, Bill Rogin said Ermey had died due to complications from pneumonia.


choke jerk tonight in his honor

with your hand?

well he's dead so...

are you through grinning?


is this guy still alive?

The will of Gwawd.

He died in 04.

Murdered in the head by Bob Kelly.



He really made that movie. As soon as he and Pyle died, the movie went downhill.

In the 2nd half of the movie, I could not care less if the the fucking Vietcong shot them all to death.

But that first half. Goddamn.

Listened to just the audio? Huh

I actually have never made it through to the end. Always get bored.

Bullshit. That chopper gunner scene was legendary.

You just don't lead 'em as much.

Show of hands of anyone who bothers to keep watching after he and D’Onofrio exit the picture in Full Metal Jacket. Film still has to be categorized as an all-time classic, because their segment is great to such a historical degree. I wonder if Kubrick ever regretted not expanding the legendary boot camp portion to feature length. It would’ve saved them the considerable hassle of dressing up England to look like South Vietnam.

Jay Mohr told a good story about Ermey. While shooting a tv show, Jay offered him a dip, and Ermey took half the chewing tobacco from the tin. During their lengthy conversation, it occurred to Jay that Ermey was swallowing the chew secretions the entire time. When Jay asserted this to be disgusting, Ermey countered that spitting was much more uncouth.

He was an annoying faggot

The only people who like him are suburban white males who want to feel "masculine" by proxy by watching fictional characters

He was a Staff Sergeant who fought in Vietnam..

I know he has military experience, I'm talking about the character he played in the movie. He tries to be that in real life 24/7 and it's tiring and douchey

Stop over compensating

Projecting nigger.

He was an annoying faggot who got too deep into thinking he was really the character he played. Just a try hard faggot

Writing your own eulogy?


I hate to see a comment that speaks the truth get downvoted like this.

https://youtu.be/gbSLaJFvWwE. Classic vos/keith ball busting, and he's a great sport about it, too.

Real American, RIP Ermey

passed away from complications of pneumonia.

I didn't know he had AIDS.

May he continue to stomp people's guts out in hell.

Possibly Kubrick's worst film.

Nice missing jaw, stupid.

Let's get off the subject, Jimmy might start crying again.

He's soooo masculine. I'm such a big fan of angry manly man. No homo.

On Carolla's show once, he explained how he ran a brothel in the Philippines in his 30s and said every man needs to travel and have adventures before settling down. Too fucking right.

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He was a nice guy in Boys of Company C

well...no shit...

Nice missing jaw, stupid.

Let's get off the subject, Jimmy might start crying again.