When she says “I love you too, splits”

126  2018-04-15 by RBuddCumia


Where did you find this? Any context because I want to laugh hard.

That was actually a funny a video.

I love a good a funny a video

Trying out my new Italian character I've been workshopping.

You didn't take this screenshot though.

Why did that make him cry? I'm confused by him. I've never seen people so weird like that who haven't taken ten strips to try and find god.

I honestly think this could be at the tail end of a debaucherous Adderall binge.

He might've even had 10 mgs the dirty devil

The actual quesiton you're looking for is "why did he want that to make him cry and then show it to everyone on social media?"

This is from when he learned Ozzy relapsed.

I watched The Jim Norton show on VICE earlier and immediately fell asleep.

thanks, i will watch it too then.

I wanted it to be good so bad

I remember everyone on this sub was excited, somehow we expected it to be good. What fools we were.

Nice try. Most of us have a dependence on opiates so we don't need any help getting some shut eye. Thanks anyway.

Opiates. Opieits. Opietits.

When your fourth platter of eggs is going to be three minutes late.

*Egg whites

*Organic egg whites


Those sccccuuuuummmbaggs forgot the MUSTARD

He worships colin

as one should...

He worships colon.

Confirmed AIDS diagnosis

He looks worse than Tom Hanks at the end of Philadelphia.

What's actually happening here?

Jimmy is an unfunny faggot

What is that faggot crying? Sissy.

Tears, stupid.

Why do Opie, Anthony and Jim look like they're terminally ill?

Faces made for radio and voices made for silent movies.

When you forget to take the PrEP

He's clearly called "splits" because he splits the cost of Viking tranny cam butthole show with some other degenerate. He's firmly in the silver-only tier princes.

When people say "You haven't improved as as a comic since 2004" but you've actually gotten way worse.

When she says “I love you too, splits...your anus open like an auger drill."

when the Viking you want to marry can't get in the country

He'll settle for this Viking.

Imagine how fondly we would remember all 3 of these guys if they just went away after Anthony got fired in 2014 and never did radio again.

Anthony never started homosexual predator basement podcast. Opie never started his Greggshells & Gang afternoons of cringe. Jim's HIV never turned into AIDS and his radio shows never turned into ear cancer.

"Wow guys remember O&A? Those were the days. Too bad they all retired in 2014 and never came back. Imagine how amazing their careers would have been if they kept going"

Imagine how fondly we would remember all ~3~ 2 of these guys if they just went away after Anthony got fired.

Opie was extremely hateable from DAY ONE.

When you run out of Chaturbate tokens.

Jimmy is an unfunny faggot