Strap in kids, Chip is back!

0  2018-04-15 by SteveTech74


The linked tweet was tweeted by @JimNorton on Apr 15, 2018 19:12:33 UTC (59 Retweets | 232 Favorites)

TONIGHT 8pm - The long awaited, triumphant return of Lyle “Chip” Chipperson and the gang. The highly anticipated Chip Chipperson Podacast REBOOT! and YouTube.

Attached video

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Stop posting this faggy shit

I’ll post whatever I fucking want

Ok fag. What part of this garbage do you find amusing? You like Jim’s dumb voices?

No one asked for it back.

How long was the podcast off for? and why?

One week and it’s cause Booby is fat.

Because it sucks a fat dick

Why do you act like we care?

It’s called sarcasm you asshole

Sir, Calm Down

That Gaby lady is terrible, Christina is terrible, the podacast is also terrible, unfortunately.