I'm sure it's just alcohol induced psychosis, but.... (not a Vos show dates post I promise)

1  2018-04-15 by JudgeHolden00

Last week on SNL was the Black Panther guy and Cardi B, tonight is John Mulaney and Jack White....the dichotomy is staggering. The difference in jokes should be great.


The cold open is brutally unfunny.

I'm guessing something Trump related?

SNL is for the "fun mom" housewives.

Cardi B is “empowering” to women

She looks like the fucking anteater from the Pink Panther cartoons.

Throughout the entire history of SNL, what percentage of sketches are actually funny? I'll be damned if it's higher than 20%

You're probably right, but at least "back then" there was a chance the sketch would be funny. Now it's just an hour and a half show about how woke the cast members are. Maybe I'm just getting older, but I feel like the same people throughout generations who said "just getting older" didnt experience it quite like this.

John Mulaney wrote for years on SNL, for Bill Hader's characters mostly.

Cardi B made muh-ney moves.

this is where we are in the world.

Fuck you

John Mulaney is such a fucking faggot. Hope he gets aids from a fucking monkeys

Why do people watch SNL? Never once was it funny