How Many More Iconic Bops Does She Have To Release Before Ya'll Acknowledge Katy QUEEN?

0  2018-04-14 by LoouisCuCK


Katy Perry now looks like a dyke.

She went full short, dyed hair Hillary-supporter cunt. This video was the last time she looked fucking amazing.

Tay Tay all day.

Tay Tay all day.

Oh, PLEASE stop now. You are making me HOWL with laughter 😂😂😂😂

Queen Katy put Taylor into an early grave.

I do not much care for your condescending tone.

You've made yourself a powerful enemy.

This is a stupid song, anyway. I hate female empowerment songs.

Her tits looked amazing in the kissed a girl video.

God damn.

I'm sure her music would be just as popular if she looked like Lady Di. She's so intelligent and talented.