Opie currently has the least hatable Twitter of the three.

49  2018-04-14 by comeflywme


The linked tweet was tweeted by @JimNorton on Apr 14, 2018 19:21:10 UTC (46 Retweets | 251 Favorites)

I went to @Starbucks today and ordered a black coffee. They panicked and called the police .

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📅 2018-04-14 ⏰ 19:21:10 (UTC)

I went to @Starbucks today and ordered a black coffee. They panicked and called the police .

-- Jim Norton ✅ (@JimNorton)

🔁️ 46 💟 253


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use more emojis

What a knee slapper!! Im glad I’ve quit listening to this hack, nothing he does has any value

Holy fuck. This is trendy 25 year old LA girl comic material.

15 years ago.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

Yes but who's the bigger fool? The fool, or the little man in the robot costume?

shut up you hack

I read that in Colins voice mocking the way Jim said it explaining how they talked on tough crowd.

yeah I was listening to the CQ vs Jim comp the other day

Did you enjoy it?

it's a bit too choppy in some parts, made me want to just listen to the full CQ appearances

What are some of your favorites?

What were some of your favorite parts?

Stop asking him questions and just listen to it

Which one should I listen to first?

(Hillary Clinton voice) you’ve gone too faaaaaaaaaar

I do not even recognize him anymore. Seriously

Just stick to working on yourself then

good advice

I went to Starbucks and ordered a triple black grande. I didn't get what I wanted.

There I improved your hack joke in 5seconds u aidsy hasbeen.

They are mother fucking me for not stocking my cup size (pun intended 😂😂😂opie anyone)

They're all terrible.

So his “observation” is that two different things share the same color.

Hopefully he wanted to tweet this from his chip account and made a mistake

Fuck Opie regardless. He is still the runniest form of turd.


"Sounds like you're in a LATTÉ trouble...I'll see myself out." And yet if I murdered this person, I would be considered the bad guy. That's where modernism gets you.

He better keep that SiriusXM paycheck coming.

But why would you put in any effort for a million dollar paycheck

So the joke is he's asking for an African American coffee so he can enslave it?

I'm so confused!

I don’t even get it. If it’s some “woke” commentary about the negative perception of black people, why would Starbucks of all places be where you’d make that connection with?

The joke is that coffee is also not people.

car crash

I always viewed Chip as an excuse for the first jokes that pop into his head that he knows are lame but has nothing else to contribute. And it worked well. Now he's just dropping all the pretense

Exactly, it is a coping mechanism.

what does it even mean

I used to feel sorry for Norton for hating himself, but I slowly realized how right he was to do so.

Jim is like water, he takes the shape of whatever container you put him in. That container used to be one made by O&A, Patrice, Louis ect. Now it's a container made by hipster millenial social media faggots and grown men who still watch wrestling

Of course he uses an image of him that conveys his pontificating deep thinking self.

"I went to Starbucks and ordered a nigger coffee."

ME: I get a good line in now and again