It doesn’t even make sense.

35  2018-04-14 by RBuddCumia


Who the fuck is Flint and why is would his plumbing bill be so damn high?

Im not understanding anything these black men are talking about

It really isn’t a stretch to say Ant is blacker than Shaun.

Ethnicity/origin/whatever aside, Anthony is unquestionably darker-skinned. Both of them would kill to look like the other one.

Who the fuck is Flint and why would his plumbing bill be so damn high?

Shiieeettt, somebody get my man a low-flow toilet.

*camera pans to a sea of cheap suits and press on nails losing their shit*

Who the fuck is Flint? The guy fucking Lady Jaye, that’s who.

Anthony cumia- encourages domestic terrorism.

The way Anthony Cumia disrespects this white guy shows that black people are racist too

They are still crying about flints water? It was the democrats that made that place a shithole in the first place.

Yes so now lets just let them rot because thats american

Being mean to black people is a proud American tradition

Regardless of who's to blame, it's still a problem that needs to be fixed so yes people are still "crying" about it.

It was the democrats that made that place a shithole in the first place

The mayor's office is non-partisan and the governor, Rick Snyder, is a Republican. Regardless, political party shouldn't matter when people are dying.


Isn't he against the strikes? "Money spent on military intervention could be used instead to repair infrastructure at home" is a perfectly valid argument, and one he should agree with.

Is he taking a position contrary to what he's been saying over the last 24 hours just because a liberal would happen to agree with it?

What a miserable asshole.

There’s poor whites and blacks in Flint.

I think he was just being silly. Calm yourself, madam

Welcome to modern day America

Count Blackula vs Talcum X

2:43 AM

9 beers into a bud light 12 pack, the beer of millionaires.

This is like the only reasonable think Talcum X ever said and Nanthony had to shoot it down just because he's part of "the enemy."
Not pro progress. Not pro free speech. He's only pro himself and his "team" winning.

Implying I want either.

Makes sense to me. My salary is 20 cruise missiles per week + benefits. The government takes 3 cruise missiles out of each check, so my net pay is 17 cruise missiles. The amount of cruise missiles it would take to fix flint's water problem is so high that it would be more cost-effective to tear down the whole city and build it up from scratch.

The Sicogon was a math whiz growing up.

Why would plumbing be a Federal issue?

Talcum X

Flint was the name of this white trash guy who lived on my street growing up and sold illegal fireworks. Once he got fucked up on heroin and passed out on our neighbors lawn and someone hosed him down. Fawkin hilarious.

fuck Flint. Don’t like lead water? Tough shit!