WEED LMAO!!!!!! GET IT?!?!?!?

117  2018-04-14 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


I hate him almost as much as Burt Kreischer. Fuck these hack cunts.

Do one with Dave Attell

He's a saint on ert.

no hes naht

He's the fucking worst. At least Burt tries to be funny, even if he fails. You ever seen this hack fuck Twitter? He's the most boring guy in "comedy".

“We had gotten super fucked up on the way there (high-register-almost-exploding-into-laughter-voice kicks in) SO HE WALKED DOWN THE RED CARPET PRETENDING HE WAS STILL SMOKING A JOINT!” I respectfully disagree. Burt is worse.

Let's just agree that they're both terrible

That we can definitely do!

Guys, you clearly haven't heard Burt's "the machine" bit. Perhaps he didn't tell you about it?

Burt is far worse

I love that Bert's bored and unfunny wife has muscled her way into his business, she "opens" his podcast with him now where they sit together for at least 20 minutes at the opening. She interjects everything you'd expect a boring cunt with no ability at comedy, it's fucking unbelievable. Bert records his pod from "the man cave" in his house, the house he paid for by working his ass off for 20 years while his wife did nothing.

Is 'pod' the cool contraction of 'podcast' used by those in the biz?

...I'd have thought 'cast' would be the way to go.

Burt is just that loud ugly fat frat boy who keeps eyeing the girl who is about to pass out. And then he cries from shame when someone in shape actually stops him from the rape

Burt's like Breuer. Corny family guy and middling standup, but he is a good storyteller. There are much shittier people we should focus on... like Doug Benson.

Yeah, exactly. The getting high and not knowing what is going on bit is so hack.

For me it’s just Tuesday! Hey-O!!!

Nah, burt kreischer has one funny bit, i couldn't tell you anything funny this cunt ever did. He really is the worst one of the shit hacks they had on opie and jim and sam.

go run into traffic


Hey Huskies, still a sad fuck I see!

im not huskies you fuck, go look at my responses to him you dumb faggot

No on remembers who they replied to particularly from week old accounts. You set this account up in advance and replied to yourself you sad fuck.

lmao ok old man, im not the fag on here triggered by some other faggot's account

Fawkin berried em

He used to reply defensively to critiques on The AV Club. One time a guy posted something praising Getting Doug With High, Doug misconstrued it and trashed him and looked like a d-bag for it. That was the one funny thing he’s done.

Oh wow, TheElDan. I remember you. I also remember Doug being super defensive in the (former) comments section. I think they reviewed one of his albums and since it didn't get an A++++, Doug barreled into the comments section and bitched.

The fact he calls his podcast getting Doug with high tells you everything you need to know about this hack

Burt Kreischer was going full SJW talking about not saying certain “problematic” words and shit on Bobby Lee’s latest podcast.

the guy that is the inspiration for van wilder now wants to draw some lines

Even sometimes Doug Bensons smoke pot.

The worst was Joe Rogan's election show, Bill Burr was just slaughtering everybody and said a throwaway line to the female hole on the stage and Burt just jumps up and takes his shirt off for no reason. Such an insecure attention whore with nothing to contribute.

You mean Stanhope and Burr's election show

No, no I don't

Hey doug benson did me a solid. He came to a shitty comedy club near me and I bought a ticket to his show. After suffering through an hour of unfunny garbage and his side kick who also sucked, I was able to find a pot connection in a new town I just moved to. I completed my mission but still wake up screaming. I didnt come out unscathed but I got a pot connect.

UPPP!!!!! Ya caught me! Look at my shocked eyes! Ya caught me smokin' a DOOOOOB. Ya caught me red handed, puffin on this CHERRY! Little fingers so ya don't BURN yourselves, right guys?? You know just, weed things like that. DA GREEN DAT COM FRUM DA EARTH, DEY POOT ET IN DA GROUND AND IT GROW

you smoke that green stuff Joel?!

Either that or he's showing how he'd suck a baby's peckah

Can I get free tickets to your show, Doug?

Every time I look at him I aggressively say *CUNT!! like I've got tourettes


So fucking hateable

Haters every single one of you. The world needs a creative force like Doug Benson. Who else can get a crowd of 15 year olds cheering for saying " does anyone here get THE MUNCHIES?"

I listened to one of his comedy albums to kill time at work once. I thought it couldn't all just be pot pandering. Thats all he fucking does.

I don't know what your work situation is like but combining hack comedy and the means to pay your bills will only result in calamity. I have this tiny lock box with some ketamine and my prescription amphetamines in it. It's so small and discreet that it can be hidden all over the office. It's like that pinch of salt you sprinkle in the bowl of shit called life.

Could be worse, I have a personal speaker at work in my part of the kitchen and most mornings I listen to the first hour of J&S just to hate listen and get shit on by coworkers. I'm a sadist.

I was only 18 when I did this. I was going through my stoner phase and I quickly realized that weed culture is insanely gay.

I hope to God that you did not move on to Kratom culture. It's a first-rate killer.

Kratom is greatom

It's ranked #1 In overdose death per 100

Only cool kids do Kratom, nerd

It's much better to smoke weed and then shut the fuck up once you're high.


It’s perfectly reasonable for a 55 year old man to have jet black hair and the hobbies of a moody 16 year old

what if it's the weed, Mannnn!!!

I didnt like Anthony Jesilnik until I saw him on Getting Doug with High. He makes Doug look like the fucking dork he is.


David Cross also spent an episode mocking doug and the show


Love this shit.

"Indica... in da couch."

Dude exact same experience. Doug was so cringey in this episode like an old, fat, washed up, dullard with nothing to offer the world and no reason to be listened to. I never want to be like him.

I can't stand his voice anymore. I mean I didn't like him before, but this sub has made me hate his voice his schtick and his image.

Most punchable human being on earth. I'm literally getting angry just looking at him.

My ex used to fuck this dude

He started ghosting her and she showed up to one of his shows barred out and started a scene

he had security kick her out, she then got raped by one of the pedal cabbies who was supposed to take her home

She sounds like she got what she deserved.

Women are to be disregarded.



Xanax rules

I may have Doug more than I hate Sam

This guy makes me ashamed to smoke marijuana.

Yeah that and the fact that you're going to HELL

Never understood that one.

You are probably too stoned

Fawkin zooted

The Devil dances when anyone inhales the demon drug marijuhana

To be fair to Doug somehow he's managed to create a moderatly successful career in the comedy industry without being very funny. That's somewhat admirable I guess. Don't play up the weed thing though, everyone smokes weed you fucking douche it's not a personality trait.

That's the fucking problem. Way too many "hard working" no talent men in the entertainment industry at the moment. Fuck these cunts, if you don't have the talent for it, do something else you fucking snowflake.

So cool man he's a stoner hahaha.. All you non-smoking dorks won't get it, losers lmao😂😂 I know you think he has the same attitude about weed as like a 14 year old with Staind lyrics written on his binder, but it goes much deeper than that. Back to obscurity losers!

cos inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me...

He's 60.

Him, Kevin Smith, these middle-aged “Weed is tight!” dudes are setting the legalization movement back twenty years.

I think everyone can get behind the legalization movement if it means fucking stoners will have to actually talk about something real for a change


I think we should all just take the civilian losses and shoot everyone on the spot if they smoke weed. It's turning men into faggots.

tough but fair

they would shill his podcast during breaks on Norm’s podcast. from the little bit I unfortunately wasn’t quick enough to skip, i was able to determine he’s awful.

Smokey smokey hahaha!

Didn't someone (probably Joe Rogan) say that Doug Benson did a run of shows that started at exactly 4:20? Truly fucking awful.

"We would just go and go and go." - Diana Orbani

Dude, I lost my vape yesterday and had to get through my long day of cartoons and fruity pebbles SOBER. I was like, dude how I am even going to write?

Nice shoe polish hair, stupid.

He is pretty outrageous

He has Down Syndrome eyes.

Like a retarded dolls eyes...

He has the tiny eyes of a shrew

His act is literally reading tweets and talking about movies and weed

haha fuck yea!

This guy needs a bong hit transplant!

Oh, Mr. Benson, that is cannabis-themed jocularity of the highest order!

Brilliant, my good man!

Fawkin home run benson

Ha marijuana it's so funny and he's a genius .

what if it's the weed, Mannnn!!!