Sooo is Artie alive?

8  2018-04-14 by frunkiz482

He never showed up on thurs. No tweets. And I haven't seen Ant address it??


define alive

What are you going on about? Artie killed himself in early 2010.

Ant and Keith have been ignoring multiple tweets of people asking. We know Ant reads every one

Im sure he only skim reads the ones sent to him from obscurity

Because as fucked up as Artie might be at this present moment & will probably be for the rest of his life, he still knows this was the biggest mistake of his life teaming up with Anthony Cumia. If by slight chance he be gets his shit together & he has the built-in of claiming he was high on drugs & didn’t know what he was doing. I don’t watch or listen to AA show besides the clips o see here but I’ve noticed that Artie might push the envelope but he’s never going all in with Cumia’s politics & racism because Artie knows that career suicide. Everyone including me will always forgive a junkie but not many will forgive an true asshole like Ant. Artie is a mess but can still gets a gig on a Judd Aptows hbo show & Anthony can’t even be invited back to that shit show RedEye (if that show still exists) & the reason someone like Judd is willing to hire a junkie over someone like Ant is because once you become an openly racist far right-wing douche bag your career is over with. Artie can toe the line & even co-host a show with said douchebag (Ant) & still get love from Hollywood because Artie doesn’t go full Cumia (retard). Artie doesn’t have to show up & those desperate compound idiots will still pay, I am slowly starting to respect Artie again, now if he only quit & tore into everyone & everything at the “Compound Media”, I’d blow Artie.

He dropped off the radar on a binge

Months ago Keith said Artie's addiction was "being dealt with", so everything is now fine.

Just like how the app was "being fixed."

Is Artie Alive Friday! Great bit idea

I'll bet Stern skips the funeral.

Boo hoo, tell 'em Fred.

So will Ant.

Wouldn't you ?

Schrodinger's Junkie. You don't really know for sure until the show airs.

It's OK, Joe DeRosa told me Artie is his friend. I'm sure he's on it.

Alive enough for total isolation bliss...God Bless....!

Another pertinent question: Whatever happened to Artie's court date? Did it get pushed back?

Probably having his dealers fist repeatedly pummeling into his fat nose again.

Who fucking cares?