Feminists to Men: Castrate Yourselves

0  2018-04-13 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


I'm all in with the castration.

Well, you mean it, it’s sexual reassignment surgery.


No thanks

Fair enough. Hes not great.

Pure, unrefined sex...

My vagiiiiiiiiiiiina!

Men to Feminists: Bend Over and Shut Up

Men to feminists: kill yourselves ugly, hairy, smelly, worthless cunts.

They hate men yet everything is penis penis penis penis. Cut 'em off, make fun of small ones, speculate on size...they're obsessed with them.

Which goes back to the old tried and true theory that every feminist is just a repressed cunt that isn't fucked enough.

Feminism is was funded by the CIA. This video is full of contestable claims and is easily debunked.

I sincerely hope that these delusional bitches end up in the third world paradise they apparently want and get raped and mutilated to death