Matarese At It Again

61  2018-04-13 by tunisianknifer


Fuck, do you need Twitter followers to have a successful career? I better get on that then.

These lame, needy faggots and their childish obsession with having a bunch of fucking nobodies following them on social media.

Hobo has them all beat then.

Thats what you learn on the mean streets of Blocktown

Nuh, no, no, dat's dot drue, ackshully Ib vrom Jamaica, Gweens, AWRIGHT

"You are never allowed in the suburban of gweens, stay out of gweens! If I slept with animals then you would have a chance BITCH!"

How can you not love Bobo.


Anthony went from hanging out with James Bond to mentoring washed up comics like Owen Benjamin and Matarese on their Twitter game.

Washed up would imply that joe mattress had a successful career at one point

Yeah, he was never sailing the ocean of prosperity

Probably could have hung out with Craig again if he didn't do the ONE thing he was asked not to do and share 50 pictures of the affair.

Just another instance of him screwing up his real life by projecting his online life.

Is Joey Meatballs really implying hes made it in his career? Only reason i know about him was that hilarious show with Artie, Jim and Ant.

Why do these faggots equate success to Twitter followers?

Even if you believe in this metric, how does Joe still consider himself "successful?"

They have nothing to counter the criticism with so they find meaningless benchmarks as a way to minimize the critiques. This sub may be mentally ill but these guys take the cake.

Because its the only defense they have. Like Randy laying on the ground like a slug. People like Joe and Anthony know their careers are in the toilet and they'll never be better than what they are right now so they have to resort to calling out someone's Twitter followers. Which itself is funny, considering I'd say that a large amount of people who join Twitter do so specifically to follow famous people. So it's like shitting on someone for being lousy at professional baseball when they work in real estate.

duh, because his wife is a doctor

I wonder why he uses 300 as the jump off

He's obviously thoroughly researched marketing standards, don't question him!

That's probably the amount of legitimate followers he has. The rest are paid for.

Wish he'd use a high ledge as a jump-off.
Get it? He'd fucking die.

And if u don't all agree maybe it's time ya'll need's to sleep with the fishes, capisce?

He hasn't made it in his career!

Where's YOUR $20 in beer tickets for roasting civilians at their basement frat parties?

By this logic he shouldn't take his own advice about his comedy career.

Successful people with no twitter accounts throw up over people like this.

Yuck! I hope his wife backs over his failed career in her suburban.

I’m all in with the Matarese hate

Comedians really embarrass themselves with the fucking Twitter obsession.

Who else does it besides Anthony?

You hear that aspiring comedians?

Do NOT take advice from Joe Matarese.

So then the only career advice Joe is fit to give is how to be married to a Ph.D. His fucking podcast should be called Relaxing with Joe Matarese.


I totally forgot he existed.

I'm a shift supervisor at Panera. I've made it as far as I'm gonna, fucko.

You ever get it where you equate followers to success like a thirteen year old? Happens to me all the time!

From a guy who KNOWS about not making it...

But HE hasn't made it in "his career". His doctor wife supports him while he does open mics and ad-free podcasts.

Pipe down youre bad for poker

Jesus would this edp please stop taking vacations from his meds???

Hey Joe faggot, you haven't "made it" in comedy either, you unfunny hack piece of shit. So take your own advice and shut the fuck up.


so if 1 person has 300followers, their opinion is worth man than 300people with 1 follower each?

Who even gives a shit about twitter anyway?

It's the modern equivalent of saying "I don't care what you think, I'm not even in your top 8 on myspace."

Old people

Joe has 18K followers on twitter, but he's been on Patreon for two years and only 25 people think his ideas are worth more than zero dollars.

This guy simply does not have "it."

Honestly 70% of comedians should have quit years ago.

I have exactly 0 twitter followers and still have a better life and a more fulfilling/respectable career than Matarese. His wife's a doctor and he was on TV once, his only claims to fame.

Good joke, Joe

Hobo has them all beat then.


Old people