They’re just hating cause he fucked that fine bitch Lynsi Hughes.

5  2018-04-13 by RBuddCumia


Yeah give a degenerate addict positive attention. That’s smart.

Well it seems to working fine between Ant and Art

I love that he looks more and more like Phil with each passing day.

I like the idea that this person thinks it's karmic justice that Bam put on some weight and looks kinda rough now that he's in his late 30s.

That'll show him.. Also, if you've seen Phil and thr late Don Vito, you would know it's inevitable that Bam eventually becomes fat as fuck.

The reunion episode of viva la bam is hilarious, his dads side of the family all weighs like 600 pounds

Bam is a fat, drunk sack of shit who everyday looks more like Phil and yet he'll never have tits as juicy and succulent as Opies. That's rather impressive on the part of ol'tits mcgee.

Lynsi Smigo sucked this guy's cock and drank the fluuuid

I feel so bad for millionaire celebrities

Getting old sucks.