If Jim was rude enough to check his phone during the JRE in the middle of Joe Rogan speaking, imagine how often he's done the same thing to Sam...

127  2018-04-13 by Wolosocu

Especially when the Sam & Jim Show first started and Sam was sitting behind the board. Jim would tap out while Sam struggled to fill airtime with a co-host who was too busy sexting another man in Europe.

What an entitled piece of shit.


Yes Jim is trash, but why would anyone give Opie Roberts any respect anyway

Jim has been told how unprofessional it is but he doesn’t like listening to advice. He refuses to take any criticism onboard and that is why his career never exploded like all the comics he came up with

Europe man, they just won’t get me and they don’t even like American comics. breathes heavily through nostrils into the mic

Fuck them! They don't support Bush when he asked them for help with Iraq! Wow did that not age well. It was retarded when he said it the first time.

As are most things high school drop outs say.

its why he also hasnt gained any muscle with his female trainer

Nah he wasn't trying to. He was trying to become a twink so Norwegian women would fuck him up the ass with feminine penis.

Ironic that he had an "advice" show. Who the fuck would want lufe advice from Jim Norton?

Fat 45 y/o listeners in the midwest who have never done an open mic looking for advice on getting into standup.

The way is was originally marketed, it sounded like that was going to be the whole joke. And that Jimmy would give terrible silly advice and make dumb jokes. This could have worked; the Louis CK Saturday Night Virus where he did something similar was excellent. But of course Jimmy's show quickly transitioned into pontificating and half-assed "serious" advice while he was presumably edging on his cellphone.

It is crazy when you think about it. Even if you’re a big fan of Jimmys why would you seek his advice, it’s not like he has a history of being knowledgeable & wise when it comes to life’s questions. Better off taking child rearing advice from Kuhn.

I'd take how to worm your way into money advice from him.

Good point! I’m gonna have to backtrack on my position, if ever there was someone who has sound advice & firsthand knowledge of how to siphon large sums of money from strangers via the internet, then look no further, Jimmy is an authority.

People need to know how tough shit is.

Honestly, an advice show seems great for Jim. It's just that it shouldn't be serious. Imagine Boardroom Jimmy giving investment advice, Ted giving entrepreneurial advice, Jim himself giving (intentionally) bad relationship advice, etc. Sounds much better than J&S or the Chip Podacast.

He also isn't a very funny comedian. None of his specials are funny.

If you put all of his work together he probably has a decent hour

That's why he wanted to sit behind the desk, so he could have his twitters scrolling, he sure doesn't pay attention to which mic's which, or put down the phones smoothly.

Sam tells him which calls to take, him sitting behind the board is just ridiculous. It's an obvipus attempted power play.

Remember when Jim said it was just temporary and they were going to swap back and forth?

who gives a shit if sam gets upset, he's the worst on that morning show. He's a non entertaining douche who just fills airtime with words, doesn't matter if its compelling, smart, funny etc. doesnt have to be, just dumb words coming out of his dumb face

To be fair JRE does run an hour more then it needs to.

Depends on the guest really. The worm certainly doesn't justify 2+ hours.

Yeah it depends upon whether the guest is bringing anything or whether Joe feels forced to hijack his own show by regurgitating the same stories and themes with “did you know?” trivia to make up for the guest that is boring or too deferential.

Sam just deals with it because Jim raises his profile while Rogan has nothing to gain having old man Norton on his show so he cals that weirdo out.

If I had to work with someone who spent all day on his phone, did no prep and just farted endlessly in the office I'd not have the best opinion of him

To be fair he learned at the feet of Opie and Anthony, the two most undisciplined broadcasters who ever lived. He knows nothing else.

It's funny because Opie is the only one who has ever called him out for doing that.

Oh, you mean Mr. Candy Crush? Who always was "checkin' his numbahs?" He was awful with his phone, too.

He played Candy Crush as a way to show displeasure at Ant's race rants

It was occasionally a good bit

don't recall saying Opie didn't do it.

I dont give a turkey if anyone ignores Sam in any way. He deserves it. He stinks and I dont like him!

"wait so (cackling laugher) you don't think that, that it's (more cackling) appropriate to be using your phone while engaged in a conversation with another person?"

Nice conversation, stupid.

sheepishly "No I don't."

So anyway, we got Mary Jean coming in later...

I'll always remember this: Fez goes on O&A dressed as Hitler to do a bit and jimmy lasts about a minute before he just starts staring at his phone despite Fez doing a routine literally a foot from him. This is the same guy who unfollowed all of his comic friends on twitter to make a point about not being supported by them.


No need to exaggerate. He lasted 2:09 before going to the phone. What an ass.

opie's eye


If sam had any balls he’d make a “Jims on his phone again” drop and let the callers ream him every time

the worm only understands humiliation

the worm only understands humiliation

Well yeah but it gives him a hard on, and the last thing you want when you want Norton giving effort is him pinching his cock for the remainder of the show.

wrong, he needs constant attention to his faults

thats when he fights back

the fag needs to be stirred

Nice literal interpretation, stupid.

Keep pinching your helmet to me calling out your flaws

It's a nervous tick. He's not actually checking his phone. He's just looking at it as a way to distract himself by pretending like he's important enough to ignore others whenever something triggers a flash of his inferiority complex in his head.

Have you heard the song "imagine"?

Norton's another one who'd greatly benefit from one solid punch to the face. I'd suggest ramming his phone up his ass but if he had it on vibrate he'd probably enjoy it then propose marriage to it.

He does that shit often to matt serra on ufc podcast. And matt is a nice guy so he'll politely call him out and yet he still does it. Yadadadadaa matts movie minutes

The difference is Sam doesnt have the balls to say something to Jim. He will just sit there and EAT IT like the bitch boi bozo the clown he is.

You're acting like sam deserves respect. Working with sam is the one time it's OK o be on your phone nonstop.

I have a friend who is basically Jimmy level's obsessed with his phone. All he does it text his ex-girlfriends and make them talk dirty to him all day every day. Once me and him were suppose to go drive somewhere 10 minutes away and it took us 30 minutes because he constantly had to stop and pull over on the side of the road to reply in long form texts back everytime his phone rang.

At least your friend is a responsible driver.

Just like the molden days when they are in a middle of a bit and Jom Morton would suddenly need to piss badly.

Let it go

I honestly can’t criticize anyone who is disrespectful to either Sam or Rogan.

Both of those faggots are probably on their phones through the whole show.

Fat 45 y/o listeners in the midwest who have never done an open mic looking for advice on getting into standup.

The way is was originally marketed, it sounded like that was going to be the whole joke. And that Jimmy would give terrible silly advice and make dumb jokes. This could have worked; the Louis CK Saturday Night Virus where he did something similar was excellent. But of course Jimmy's show quickly transitioned into pontificating and half-assed "serious" advice while he was presumably edging on his cellphone.

It is crazy when you think about it. Even if you’re a big fan of Jimmys why would you seek his advice, it’s not like he has a history of being knowledgeable & wise when it comes to life’s questions. Better off taking child rearing advice from Kuhn.

People need to know how tough shit is.

Honestly, an advice show seems great for Jim. It's just that it shouldn't be serious. Imagine Boardroom Jimmy giving investment advice, Ted giving entrepreneurial advice, Jim himself giving (intentionally) bad relationship advice, etc. Sounds much better than J&S or the Chip Podacast.