If Artie leaves the AA Show, does Compound Media fail?

23  2018-04-13 by NorwayJimmy

Ant can’t do a show alone. Does anyone sub just for the other content?


ant did a show alone for a couple years

and it sucked

I desperately hope so. They will lose an enormous chunk of their audience. It would be just super for ants little webcam show to fizzle into nothing

Naaa he will just get Joe DeVito in four days a week oppose to two.

The biggest problems with Anthony's show are twofold; a) Keith the cop is the producer and b) Anthony's face.

a) Obviously Ktc just plain doesn't know what he's doing - the server issues, the Ron and Ant show debacle, the billboards advertising masterstroke etc - but he's also useless because he enables Anthony in every way. The show will eventually fail because Anthony was too lazy/too much of a pussy not to entrust his diminished professional reputation with an ex cop buddy with no previous media experience.

b) Yes, Anthony is ugly. Unbelievably so. His ugliness is visceral on a level of such repulsive viciousness that, if he'd lived during the medieval times, he would have been burned at the stake as one of Satan's earthbound minions. His face was always offensive and has gotten worse since he lost his job and ramped up his vampire like self destructive lifestyle. Who knew staying up all night drinking and sleeping through the day affects your appearance.

Anyway, his horrifying features aside, he is just awful on camera. Zero on screen charisma, nervous energy radiating off of him, his anxious glances right into the camera every 30 seconds. He just stinks. When heard only and not seen he immediately becomes more bearable.

Somebody here described Ant as 'actively ugly' the other day. That's the perfect description of him. It's like his ugliness is constantly adapting to shock the viewer.

I’d say there’s a couple more problems with the show that supersede those two.

The main issue is Anthony has no clue how to create a successful radio show or podcast. The vibe of the show is just unbearably phony. When Anthony is in front of a camera, he can’t help but put on that phony late night talk show host cadence. It’s not funny and it’s unnatural as hell.

But the biggest problem to me is the physical set up of the studio. First of all, they don’t wear headphones, which I don’t understand at all. They cram 5 people in there and the show is just people stepping on each other’s lines over and over. When they try to play clips, the microphone level is always higher, so all you end up hearing is Artie mumbling incoherently. The show should be totally consumable in an audio only format, just like Rogan’s podcast.

At this point, I just see Anthony as a lost cause. He’s completely out of touch and clueless, so I’m not expecting him to ever address any of these problems or improve the show in any way. I ended up canceling my subscription this week, and if I want to watch an episode, I’ll torrent it.

I wonder what the return on investment for those billboards was. It's probably a negative number though.

You definitely hit it on the head. His physical ugliness is a big factor. But let's not forget his inner ugliness matches his outer ugliness. We joke about all of his misdeeds but the fact is as a person morally he is absolutely disgusting.

Best example of what ant needs is the Aaron Berg - Ant episodes. Good mix of comedy and commentary. With Artie the commentary never happens due to Artie.

describe fail as opposed to whats happening right now? The only thing that could save it is if we could have that anomtronic head be co-host but we get to feed the lines to the anomtronic head

/u/clayformer can do it.

You mean like Max Headroom?

I doubt anybody cares if Artie left at this point. His fans have to know he's phoning it in and giving minimal effort. So they probably cut subscriptions months ago. And while I didn't see most of them, I think the belief was the shows with guest hosts while Artie was in jail/rehab were better since they talked about a wider array of topics than Artie sticking to the same ones every day. So it m8ht improve if he had revolving guest hosts.

You’re asking this like failure has yet to come.....

By 'fail' I'll assume you mean 'end' which I think only happens if Ant runs out of money. Compound Media is the shambling corpse equivalent of the energizer bunny.

They aren’t failing now?

The fact they had to hire Artie in the first place means they weren't doing so good. Gavin left which means the alt-right fagg's probably stop subscribing. Seriously who watches Another Man complain about feminism and how alpha they are? Because that's pretty much what Gavin show is. I don't see many people paying $7 a month just to hear Anthony complain about politics.

You mean $9 a month. Remember the sub hike to pay for Artie? Which is even more hilarious when he’s gone. Think they’ll reduce the cost? No.

Considering we can hear him complain about politics for free on Twitter.

Although I was not a huge Gavin fan I can see now that he was actually a big draw for the network and losing him was a major deal

It’s been a disappointment for a couple of years now.

Only since 2014.

I can answer one of those questions: no one subs for the other content.

Are you implying it's not already a failure? What are you blind?

Anthony is done, he's just going on so people can't say he failed, and he has a place to go to get him out of the house. Artie's done, and doesn't want a day job.

Compound Media doesn't have the money to hire real stars or fix its software. No better guests want to be associated with him even after all these years. The ones that show up once or twice a year do so just out of loyalty to Jimmy and memories of past times.

The best show it had was Legion of Skanks. They left, and in two years time have a network that beats the balls off anything him and Keith have done.

Gavin left, I doubt he'll ever back, never fear Anthony got Bill Schutz and some girl. Great catch, it must get dozens of views a day.

If you took every smidgen of good content from CM, you might have a decent 3-4 hours of material per week. Not great, just decent.

They introduced a new show yesterday. We, the people that delight in Cumia garbage couldn't even bother to notice, or make fun of it. That's how bad it's gotten.

Agreed about LOS, I've got a Gas Digital sub and love it just for LOS and High Society alone.

It’s been awful since the beginning. I subscribed after he got canned from Sirius and cancelled after a few days. It was just boring.

I gave it 90 days when he first started. Cancelled and never went back. Also revealing how healthy and alive he looked at the beginning and how he looks undead now.

it failed already dude. lol

It failed when Keith let LOS go and Gavin walked.

Disclaimer: I hate Compound Media passionately.

Two easy things that would fix his "network." Number 1, lose the video aspect and just do a audio only podcast. Number 2, lose the whole scripted late night talk show aspect and somewhat try to recreate the "hang" approach again.

Fuck Compound Media, such a shitty and gay "network"

There's nothing wrong with the video aspect it's just how he does it that sucks. The green screen has got to go. Also get rid of the booth and go towards something like Rogan does.

Guy, I have a hot take about how it failed already.

I mean, you're all right, but we fucking heard you.

Better question: if Artie ever bothers to show up will anyone care?

I think it’ll do better because maybe he’ll get a host who shows up and is coherent.

Get rid of the desk and the green screen.

Wear headphones at a round table

Take calls

Actually make fun of each other. When artie repeats a joke.... be yourself and say “WE HEARD YOU”

Bring back the car crash sound

Stop covering SJW vs Alt Rite boring bullshit

Guess i should just find a different show. None of this will happen

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