Andre the Giant HBO Documentary

8  2018-04-13 by crookedmile

Top shit. I could give a fuck about wrestling, but I enjoyed this.


yea i enjoyed it theres a few other good ones about him, maybe bio channel did one? i forget

There's a good one about The Iron Sheik on Netflix. It's very anti wrestling.

Let me guess. He shouts and pisses himself

I FFFFFFUCK yourrr ass and make you HUMBLE!!

Is that part of the iron sheik documentary

A beer can looked like a thimble in his h....


Know what else we get? Some finger lickin' ribs. Mm mm mm!

anybody want a peanut?

Nice pituitary gland, stupid!

HBO makes the best fawkin documentrees

Fuckinh hbonordic can suck my dick, I want to see it

Best part was everyone confessed Andre loved to shit his pants around people, especially in elevators.

Could you imagine the beer farts that giant Frenchman would drop? i’m glad that part of his legacy live on forever now

You like wrestling you child, shut the fuck up.

I wonder why Sam wasn't all over this?