I cast doubt upon this question

0  2018-04-13 by Sienfeld202

https://nationalparalegal.edu/public_documents/courseware_asp_files/torts2/Defamation/GeneralPrinciplesOfDefamation1_interact1.asp Giving this quiz credibility I'm confused on one of these answers to a question: Question #5: David has just published a book in which he details life as an employee of a popular New York company. In the book, David claims that some of his co-workers, Bernie and Roger in particular, are drug users who have come to work high on several occasions (At least they come in, unlike certain compound media employees). Opie and Anthony, two New York radio personalities, read certain passages of the book on their popular morning radio talk show. The passages they read are particularly embarrassing to Roger and Bernie. If Roger and Bernie sue Opie and Anthony for defamation, they will probably... So now based on having no legal backround I think they would probably fail in a suit of defamation since David wrote the book himself and is ultimately responsible for releasing the info to the public. However the answer is: Win, because Opie and Anthony republished the defamatory statements Why does "republishing" something already said have legal repercussions... Tldr: Opie and Anthony were mentioned in this


ASP? Is this 2001?