Dave Smith Crying While Reading Atlas Shrugged

0  2018-04-13 by FlashVirus


Truer words have never been spoken, on the other hand, pull yourself together, you are embarrassing yourself.


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Peterson and his daughter are on psychiatric medications. They're fucking nuts.




You gonna cry like that all day pissy eyes?

My cock shrugged

Hell yeah, dude

Why is this in this sub, go teehee at r/thedonald or someshit faggot

hey suck a dick you fucking purple haired communist faggot.

fucking purple haired communist faggot.

I kill commies for fun, I'd rather ruin the lives of Nigger tranpa and jim the fag than listen to more peterson you 20 sumthin year-old edgelord fuck

You're that retarded you think my original post was praising Peterson? It's obviously making fun of him and right-wingers at large.

What's your problem with right wingers?

They're selfish monsters destroying the planet in the name of (((greed)))

You sir are an email of capatalism

It's obviously making fun of him and right-wingers at large.

this is why you should go in your garage, turn on your car, and lock the doors

Dote bake vunna by bolitigal beliefs AWRIGHT

wait,...do you wanna be best friends?

Are you that retarded you think Conservatives would love a clip of one of their own crying? Fuck off.

JORDAN PETERSON is a MEME he has commie artwork in his house


I've got Opium picked by Afghanis in my house, what's ya point?

youre a drug addict

also hes allegedly this alt right redeemer intellect, making 70k monthly on patreon. no one even center in politics would have leninist art on there walls. i feel you weren't asking for a real answer. now there's egg on my face.

Egg's not all

ya? like wut?

Read Ayn Rand, bucko.

Here I was thinking he wasn't a batshit crazy therapist like they all are.

He cries during the reading of his audio book too when he’s talking about the possibilities of love and development in a marriage.


I shrugged, then used that book to kill large insects.