Reddit admin spez stands behind r/opieandanthony

113  2018-04-13 by justneedtologin


My man!

He definitely comes here to call Anthony a nigger.

We've gotten way better with the racism. Mostly just to spite Anthony.

Anthonys anonymous army posts most of the racist stuff here anyway.. Those rascals will try anything to get us banned

Wonder what that faggots link was to.

It's a link to the top 10 most problematic posts in recent memory on the Donald. Seriously

can you link me? what subreddit was it on?

Oh gosh oh geeze. They said Detroit was shitty because of the blacks. Oy vey. This cannot stand. These LIES!

Who is that? that guy's funny. Jim and ol Sammy Bran Muffins should invite him on

Impossible, he probably doesn't do greased up play fights or take dick for a living.

he'd be so appalled being trapped in studio with them two.

Even if colin was there, he wouldn't fein interest in the flapping armed inquisitional matriarchal death machine.

They can always kick him out if a wrestler such as, for example, just pulling this out of thin air...Brock Lesnar was to show up.

Thin air or thin hair? It's getting confusing with all the balding freaks talked about around here.

Chlomyster is a fucking faggot.

Chapo listener. No doubt.


"Chapo faggot" would be redundant.

This has always been a place where you can say, “kiss me faggot” and nobody will judge you. That’s what I like to call Fez Whatley Nirvana.

why do people openly advocate destroying freedom of speech/thought? the same ones who fight against "hate" speech, were the same ones constantly posting about how an open and free internet is a human right. They are a bunch of jabronis if you ask me

Because one time they got cut off in traffic by an old Asian woman and were so shocked by their immediate gut reaction that they're constantly forcing themselves to be as "woke" as possible to ensure that never happens again.

because until it affects their speech and beliefs, they should be the only ones to have an opinion, as much as racism sucks; theres stuff they will hate just because it's not their exact ideologies.

It's ludicrous to me. You have to allow crazy and reprehensible shit in the name of freedom. The dudes who name their kid Adolf Hitler and the Westboro Baptist Church have to be allowed to do their shit as long as they don't break any actual laws, because if they aren't, then there's a line on what you can say, and who determines that line?

That's fucking scary, I'll tell you that. I don't understand how internet faggots are this stupid.

Feminine emotion-based decision making. Everything's slowly going to shit since we gave em the vote

Calling a kid Adolf Hitler will probably have a negative effect on the kid's life, and is sort of tantamount to child abuse in my opinion. It's like saying, I'm free to cut off my own arms and legs, so I should be free to cut off my son's. The person responsible for the consequences should be the one to suffer them, whereas in the case of calling a kid Adolf Hitler, you've fucked them. This kind of disregard can also be indicative of more common child abuse.

You have a faggoty opinion.

Come back here and shut up!

Oh looks like someone is ready for their Psychology 101 Midterm

Shut up

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I saw this comment when it was new and it made complete sense. Most reasonable response anyone could have to that comment. Now 12 hours later its getting shit on.

Fucking morons.

Oi lad do you 'av ya 'ate speech loicence with you? Nye? What are ya doin tweetin about crime stats then ya cheeky cunt. Off to jail with you!

Freedom of speech doesn't mean private citizens aren't allowed to remove you from a private service, i.e. this website

listen, we could play this game of "private"services all we want, but this is entirely a public forum website that when broken down, pays taxes just like citizens. If you want to defend censorship, thats on you but I enjoy the idea that my thoughts wouldnt be policed because people who have no clue I even exist, cant grasp that other people have different thoughts. If a store denied me a purchase, I could sue for discrimination even tho its their business. Their private business. Stop allowing large companies to bend the rules when youre the one who suffers. I thought reddit was a site who protested against "sold" to private companies vs being free and open? how does it make sense that you can sensor a free market? Why dont you get your thumb out of your ass and defend EVERYONES right to express themselves freely, in a peaceful manner, instead of being the robot they want you to be. "Go fuck yourself, you fuckin child."

If a store denied me a purchase, I could sue for discrimination even tho its their business.

Only if they deny you specifically for being a member of a protected class. That being said, freedom of speech is not the same thing as the 1st amendment.

and if someone denied me purchase because I was whatever, so what? is it not their right as a private business owner who they sell their product to? And come on, what are you going to try and say that the first amendment means you cant be jailed for what you say vs say whatever you want? thats a cop out if you do.

I'm saying that a shop owner in the US (usually) can legally deny you service for any reason, other than your age, sex, sexual orientation, or race. He xan, legally, tell you, "Nice shirt, stupid. Get out of my store," uf he dislikes the color. I'm not saying he shouldn't be able to discriminate based on protected class, but the Equal Protection Clause and Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbid that.

And come on, what are you going to try and say that the first amendment means you cant be jailed for what you say vs say whatever you want? thats a cop out if you do.

That's how the law works. Reddit should have the right to ban whomever or whatever they want, but they shouldn't make use of that right, unless someone breaks the law or does vote manipulation, etc., if you're asking for my opinion.

I disagree with you 100% and I wasnt asking for your opinion.

You disagree 100% with how tge law works? Well then you're 100% wring.

I disagree with you defending censorship on an open site

I'm not defending censorship. I told you in my opinion they shouldn't do it. Doesn't mean they don't have the right to. McDonald's has the right to put fish oil on every cheesburger. Doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Freedom of speech doesn't exclusively refer to the law. You're thinking of the 1st amendment.

You also can't hang signs that say, "We don't serve niggers." You faggot.

Racist faggot isn't a protected class.

Free speech is a value. You treat it like a technicality and your kids or grandkids years from now will say, "why not take it to its logical conclusion and repeal the 1st amendment?

Because they're British and they lost the little freedom of speech they had decades ago.

The Nazi pug thing is a relatively isolated incident. There are plenty of similar cases in the US and Europe. This one is getting attention because of the subject matter.

Not isolated at all. There are hatespeech related arrests in the UK almost daily. Also, there are no such laws in the US.

Not isolated at all. There are hatespeech related arrests in the UK almost daily.

Exaggerating quite a bit.

Also, there are no such laws in the US.

There are no such laws in the UK either, the ones that are in the UK are just being interpreted in a very stupid way.

Please provide evidence of a similar incident in the US

Literally just google free speech arrest USA.


Nice rebuttal.


Because they're totalitarian freaks.

which side are you on again?

I'm against censorship. You just don't understand what I'm saying in the other comment.

haha I know what youre saying. Im simply pointing out that people cant pick and choose when they feel a private business is able to decide whats best for them. Secondly, that an open site like Reddit, can ban people/subs for expressing their thoughts and opinions.

Because rules and laws only matter when they help the Bolsheviks cause. The moment they interfere they become archaic and problematic.

Lol -1500 for saying they aren’t banning wrongthink, reddit is a shithole

He created these people by censoring all the right leaning subreddits. Now he can sit in it.

Kinda sounds shockingly familiar actually.

It is strange, considering Reddit had been very much against this sort of thing until now. Possible false flag operation, deep subreddit, gaslighting, etc.

And the response is ‘look at how valuable my posts are, also you’re literally hitler’.

Not just reddit. This is liberalism, sjw, Marxist thought

The new world is just xtra soft faggots.

Chrissakes, when we were kids, not a minute of the day went by without someone being called fat, ugly, retarded, spaz, gay, fag, homo, queer, bitch, pussy, nigger, wigger, spic, white trash, etc., but we managed to have no significant school shootings between The Watchtower and Columbine. But we wanted something different for our kids, so we created safe spaces and made sure everyone told them how precious they are and now these little fucking monsters can’t stop shooting up the school. Go back to the old ways. Let them bully and kick the shit out of each other. There was a point to all that bulkying. It was our way of telling people you’re making us nervous, you’re acting weak, stop freaking people out, normalize yourself

Sorry. We support all free speech.


Fucking babies.

I fucking hate every god damned one of them.

They should all be banished from society, and I'm only so generous cause I'm in a good mood.

What's great though is that you know these posts by Spez totally riled these faggots and probably raised their blood pressure. When authority sides with the right, the left almost always have fits over it. And yeah, this is a left/right issue more or less, as the left often choose to censor free speech and the right often if ever do not. Those saying "this isn't a left/right issue, they're usually lefties who either feel guilty for being such totalitarian faggots or are just mad they didn't get their way.

They think the entire thing is theirs. Same goes for the world when not talking about just reddit.

Because you need a good beating, Guinny.

You stay outta this.

Seriously. I go to like three subreddits. I could give a shit what other people are doing on reddit dot com.

Its for our own good. Be thankful someone cares enough about us to police our brains

spez is doing the right thing here, but how long until they cave and completely ruin reddit for everyone?

I went through the thread. Reddit faggots actually don't like the idea that there are subs out there - that they don't have to read - that promote stuff they don't like. Because genocide.

Makes sense though. Redditors are retarded and their own opinions are easily manipulated and influenced by SJW propaganda and estrogen from the soy milk, so they're in anguish over the fact that subs like The_Donald exist because clearly they cannot be free thinkers. Oh, and Russian bots, they're everywhere and everyone who doesn't like gay marriage is one.

I remember years ago when there was a healthy debate over whether they should ban a jailbait subreddit. Then years later they banned fatepeoplehate and then recently a sub about guns or some shit. Once they drew the line in the sand back years ago with their first ban they set themselves up for these current arguments and cannot take the moral stance.

Man to woman: Would you sleep with me for one million dollars? Woman: Sure. Man: How about for ten dollars? Woman: What do you think I'm a whore? Man: We've already established what you are. All we're doing is bargaining about the price.

When Reddit first started I didn't know their game, to manipulate the top posts. I thought it was all organic group sourced material, at one point when you trust this site you start to think reading the top comments is informative when now that I know what they do it's almost like reading a horrible commercial script. All the top comments seem like infomercials for whatever the thread is about.

That is SO TRUE!!

All my upboats fam!


Somebody give this man gold!

Tldr; the rest of reddit is full of cocksuckers

He also stands behind cannibalism. What I'm saying is he's an unabashed people eater. Man loves human flesh, ya see?


Pepperidge Farms remembers.

My father calls all Asians "slant-eyes". Guess I'll tell him not to bother making a reddit account.

This faggot in the comments actually goes "convince me to add your site back to my adblock whitelist. grovel to me about racism. now."

They exude such false bravado. Fucking toughies.

Imagine spending your time on curating an adblock whitelist to make sure you support the Ideologically Correct(TM) websites by looking at their stupid banners.

But how else are you going to ensure you aren't SUBSIDIZING hate speech!!!!!

it's messed up how good people are getting at knowing what questions to ask to make the other party seem bad

There's no good way to answer that question, it's why it was so funny directed at Gallagher, "are you a racist?", "why?"


I see then I sigh then I say I saw a nigger retard faggot.


There's a whole subreddit of crybabies like that aYearOfPrompts asswipe over at AgainstHateSubreddits. They constantly piss and moan about the Million Dollar Extreme sub among others. Surprised they haven't started whinging about this place at all. Someone over at the MDE sub had a great point about them in that they're basically archiving a lot of the funniest MDE sub posts without realizing it.

They're really losing their fucking minds after that post by the reddit admin though. The hypocrisy, virtue signaling, and general cringe is off the charts. Worth a read for as long as you can stand it.

Surprised they haven't started whinging about this place at all.

It's been brought up, but surprisingly someone stepped in and said "don't touch the O&A sub" and (even more surprisingly) it was upvoted a few times.

I heard Spez gets mad when you talk about his mom's wake or call him a tranpedo.

“Hate speech leads to genocide”

What a weird blanketed statement.

That’s like saying, sadness leads to suicide.

Sure, it could...but...what?


As if that really happened

I heard they got them in by rolling pennies that they'd chase

bear and eagle cage (look it up)

“Why can’t I hate you...with SPEECH?”

-Patrice Oneal

One of the best, most logical rants ever went on.

Patrice was so fucking ahead of his time it's not even funny.

Come on guys - don't you know that (((scholars and 'genocide watch groups'))) inset that speech shouldn't be free? How could you possibly disagree with (((scholars and genocide watch groups))) when you know they're smarter and more informed than you are?

What sub was that from? r/faggots?

Digg died because users couldn’t isolate themselves from the masses of idiots and advertisers who game the system. Take away that option now and this site will wither away and die. Then it’ll just be DNC shills arguing with corporate shills until they lose their respective budgets. Good riddance.

If they are such cowering pussies at the concept of free speech, why don't they fucking migrate somewhere else. They don't HAVE to expose themselves to subs with different ideologies. Reddit is a massive site, its not one big community. Don't motherfuck the fucking site admins for standing by their rules and beliefs that have been established long ago. Go find another site to huddle up together and have a good old fashion cry in. Oh wait, that would make too much sense, they simply want to be angry for the sake of being angry. The world isnt their safe space and they can't stand the idea that someone somewhere else is different. Filthy bigots.

Isn't that the dude who recently got outed as a pedophile?

But can our tribute band enter into contracts? Any case law we can cite?

"lets silence people because they use mean words" how about you just don't visit the sub. People like u/aYearOfPrompts are everything that is wrong with today's PC bullshit society

Imagine being that guy and effort posting every day about what people say on a website. They are literally whinging about what reddit's corporate advertisers must think. What a total fucking loser you are /u/aYearOfPrompts .

u/aYearOfPrompts i have a few words for you.

nigger nigger nigger nigger kikes mooncrickets dead babies and sand niggers. go fuck yourself.

dude they are called middle eastern!

Thanks for the reddit subsidy, niggers!

”scholars and genocide watch groups agree that not all speech is credible enough to be warranted”

what the fuck? this post has over 1000 upvotes. where am I? what is this place? a large group of people saying this is actually a great argument in favor of genocide.

youle lacist

There are trying desperately to ban T_D's really sad.

Do they really think these communities are just going to stop existing if you censor enough of their language?

All of history points to the fact this will only promote their cause and give them victimization status. It's like counter terrorism by destroying mostly-harmless communities, causing otherwise benign people to turn into terrorists, except no one is dying in drone strikes, so it just keeps growing exponentially with each censorship.

Hell, just look at Milo. These people *made* him a millionaire and a hero. And he did absolutely nothing.

Fuck all these niggers specifically

Literally just google free speech arrest USA.