Old confused fuck.

63  2018-04-13 by RBuddCumia


20 minuets? That's a lot of fawking dancing.

"Dropped the bombs between the minuets...."

and yet his broken app has had an update coming for 3 years now.

His Tech department is a retired cop. In what other world besides cumpound media would he be the person in charge of these things?

That’s hate-speech

I just like to point it out. I want people to always remember that when he was a baby a Rabbi snipped off a piece of his cock then sucked his dick in front of his entire family while they cheered him on for religious reasons.

The original jew (Rat) is likely the reason the app was fucked up to begin with.

nah danny isn't tech at all, he was better at loading mp3s onto a flip phone, then opie

Keith! It takes 20 minuets to start our app! Steal Adam Carolla's technology!

Everyone is an idiot but him.

“I have a thing for yoots, y’ona...”

A yoot?

What is a yoot?

For a guy who's gung ho about home security, he sure loves advertising when the Compound is vacant.

he can afford remote monitoring solutions either by a team or his crew at the studio, or himself jewboy.

your podcast will not only make no money, but you will give up within the month. you are unlikable, untalented and people will get bored of the same stories we all have already heard or seen on youtube about what a jerk opie was in 2008. etc...

chicken fan tss tss what like ur rooting for them in the big game or summtin?

no, it's a nigger joker

They can PUT A MAN ON THE MOON but they can't make an app that works!

We can put a man on the moon.

Don't forget about Ant's people. Hidden Figures and all.

1:11 AM

It takes me 20 minuets to get the restrooms at Panera bread spotless.

Nice multiple misspellings of "minutes", stupid.

unplug and reboot you old fool

Didn't they just change isp's or is this the same one

I am going to assume here that Keith called support to reboot a modem that was within arms reach

Forget Aristotle, and fuck Socrates.
Here comes Professor Anthony.

20 minutes is like scrolling 80 tweets.


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They should be smart like you. You, the guy who got drunk and hit a teenager and lost his gun rights. LOL.

He was likely stumbling around drunk while typing this.

Looks like the god father of the proud boys needs to make a house call

Drunk old man

Why don’t you steal Verizon’s tech and fix your app

So you're the faggot who uses night mode

Clearly he's damaged himself from alcohol.. how could anyone hit send on that?

Grandpa is drunk again..

Rebooting a box is what he does to his underage victims

Kid who "realized he had a talent for comedy" when his ginzo family laughed their balls off at a barbecue because a 7 year old uttered the word nigger for the first time, turns out to be a stereotypical old fart half a century later.

Who saw that one coming.