Artie was supposed to be "5 minutes late" to the AA show today and never showed up

161  2018-04-12 by frunkiz482


no! i don't believe you

I’m starting to think Anthony picking a suicidal junkie for a cohost wasn’t a great idea.

And choosing a middle aged retire cop to handle all the hardware and software issues for a start up pod cast channel was a good idea?

Keith does a great job.




Obviously your stupid then. Back to oblivion with you

Good ol back to oblivion with you.

tss YEAH why not back to skyrim or sumptin

And an unsuccessful suicidal junkie at that.

Couldn't even kill himself by drinking bleach, slitting his wrists and stabbing himself with a big-ass kitchen knife.

Some of you are just cruel and I pray for you.

I feel like that was probably more of a ‘I don’t really want to die but I want attention’ kind of suicide attempt.

He’s a junky. All he has to do is buy a ton of Xanax and mix it with like a triple dose of however much heroin he does everyday and he’ll die in his sleep painlessly.

I don't think he's smart enough to realize that.

He didn't slit his wrists. What do you think he is, crazy?

I'm genuinely curious to see what the reaction of this sub is going to be the day Artie finally does die. Should be interesting.

General apathy and someone bringing up the Crystal Clear fight.

Probably bring up the fight he had with teddy on the HSS.


Adios muchacho.

I would talk about what he would have wanted a lot.

I'm more interested to see Ant's reaction.

"Uhh....(nervous laughter) so uh....Artie won't be joining us today....yeah....(laughter as he gets into character) HOW DID IT HAPPEN?? (more laughter) Uh yeah so Artie is no longer with us but we will be moving on with the show, I was on Twitter last night....

"Wont see him no more" (chuckles and spits out 15 more old movie quotes)

Ant is probably looking forward to it in hopes it brings more attention to his rinky dink operation

Unless there was some policy with which he and his company could make money off of should his partner have one too many...

He should be fired at once. This is an outrage.

Fake news ... Artie is clean and sober. He just had a better paying gig tonight ... Ant is his side bitch, not his main bitch

Is Ant the man? Or does he run for the man?

Rumor has it, Ang Lee is the man.

He made the Hulk movie, which I think was fuckin brilliant.

No Tommy Lee is the man

Let me let you in on a little secret; the lad's on heroin. HEROIN, it's not just like having a few beers and then going back to work. It's something more along the lines of oh, I dunno, actual HEROIN.

Now someone will surely post "oh I did heroin everyday for x years and still made it to work erryday." Doesn't matter, you didn't solicit thousands of people to subscribe to your shithole network when you were all tuned up on Mr. Brownstone. That's the difference, savor it. You were real junkies who made it on your own, be proud in that.

no no no Artie said he's clean and sober

The fact that you called it “Mr Brownstone” makes me want to take a bat to your skull. You were caps lock away from being a brother joe post. Fucking stop.

Wat? Do you understand that there are other parts of the cuntry aside from a 5-mile radius from your local ShopRite you absolute junkie?

Nothing you just said made sense.

If you're fucken dumb, then yeah, it would be hard to understand

There are places where people use other terms for heroin.

It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!

Here is link number 1 - Previous text "."

Please PM /u/eganwall with issues or feedback! | Delete

That was the idea, you motherfucking bot. step the fuck back.

You ain’t from ‘round here robit

I suggest you mosey on

Yeah, I’m aware. He isn’t in Guns N Roses, nor is he in the 80’s though. It doesn’t get used anymore. At all. Anywhere.

oh LOOK its dr. magic dick he's been everywhere. shut up faggot.

If you asked me to cop some Mr. Brownstone I would assume you're a cop and tell you to meet me at the corner of Malcolm X and MLK Blvd

Shut the fuck up

nice language.

Shut the fuck up. What's your problem, man. A lot of us hardcore junkies called it Mr. Brownstone. You probably call it smack like a FAAAAGGOT because you saw trainspotting.

John Belushi calls it "slam", as referenced at the 02:18 mark of this video.

You been working on a GnR cover band too? Maybe you should ask Anth to raise your allowance

Look, he's been dancin with Mr. Brownstone, and Artie's been dancing with the Lady H.

Let's call it a day and squash this beef.

I like to call it horse......

Riding the horse, maaan. I hear ya.

Are you a big time heroin addict then dawgsie? Real down with the brown, you know all the lingo on the streets you absolute faggot? Real cool. So hip. Knowing what the jews want to pump into your veins from the poppy fields we guard in Afghaniland? Child, that's all you are. Keep me updated on your latest delusions of reality you little girl, I'm seriously interested from a psycho dynamicpoint of view

Too much sugar before bedtime? Bit hyperactive?

Rum Raisin ice cream. He's fucking zooted.

Jesus Christ calm down. Just admit you're embarrassed you used the term "Mr brownstone"

Makes me wanna play a few GNR deep cuts brothaman.

You know, a rock group called The Stranglers did a song about heroin.

I didn't know that Saturday, please fuckin link it though

Oh, you .... "Golden Brown"

Don't bring Harry? Love the Stranglers but that song is depressing!

Gee, I forgot that obvious one. I was thinking "Golden Brown".

You're a Strange little girl!

Well, I prefer ["You're Lost, Little Girl"( by The Doors. It puts me in mind of a certain German pot-head nymphomaniac ....

Princess Alena?

googles Princess Alena Oh Jesus ....

how do they compare to KISS or 2U?

Well, they're much better than those Knights In Satan's Service! But 2U? C'mon man, nobody's better than 2U! And that guy wearing the colors of a fake motorcycle gang from a cancelled TV show? He does an excellent Bono!

Let me let you in on a little secret, artie doesn't do drugs anymore

Headline: Artie makes Anthony look like an asshole again.

Anthony look like an asshole


Ant doesn't need Artie for that

Exactly. He has us!

Good thing they spent all that money on billboards

"Pennies on the dollar!"

You get out of it what you put into it.

Oh yes!

I was hoping it was going to be this clip. You didn't disappoint

Like you never took a three four day weekend?

I go to work when I'm actually sick so I can save my sick days for random Fridays.

I like, I like!

Powering through sick at work is worth it for the days you’re hungover as hell and call in sick.

God bless America

My union job sucks when it comes to this. We are only allowed to call in 2 fridays or mondays in a 12 month period.

Wow, that's amazing. I worked for a county social services agency in CA for ten years. If they even proposed that shit, those useless fucks would burn the building down. They've turned slacking into an art form.

Here's the thing with unions. They propose a ton of good shit, but this bad shit has to come with it during a contract.

What do I know. I just show up to work with my cup of coffee my lunch pail and newspaper, and mind my own business.

I usually burn through my 25 vacation days by mid March.

I wish I had one o' them there "union jobs" that all the kids at the cool lunch table are always yakkin' about.

Atta boy Artie! Fuck em in the ear.

The guy from Dirty Work does a show with Anthony?


Artie? No way

The lack of respect he has and shows to Anthony is hilarious. Artie truly is one of us.

He barely even glances in Anthony's general direction when doing the "show".

That's because of two variables. Ugly, and, oh, wait, there's more than two..

He is never actually running late. He just parks down the street makes sure to show up late to establish dominance.

He nods off in defiance!

Let's nod off early today!

Working for the weekend, right fellas!?

Alpha Artie

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Golden Brown - The Stranglers +2 - Oh, you .... "Golden Brown"
THE DOORS - You're Lost Little Girl +1 - Well, I prefer "You're Lost, Little Girl" by The Doors. It puts me in mind of a certain German pot-head nymphomaniac ....
The Beatles - Revolver (Full Album) +1 - oh LOOK its dr. magic dick he's been everywhere. shut up faggot.
Mr Show - Talking Junkie +1 - "This was a bad idea" - Anthony

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Pretty sure Anthony doesn't care and expects it a lot. Whereas all of you work at fucking qdoba while cracking up before your night shifts.

I work at Panera, good sir.

Anthony cares a lot about people. He loves Artie.

Not enough to visit his mother suffering from Alzheimer's.

Who's the real cuck in this relationship?

Can't even be mad. Artie's fucking with Ant and all of the idiots still subscribed to this horseshit. Every ounce of heroin he shoots up is some poor trucker's paycheck for driving all the way from California to New York, and then he doesn't even show up to entertain them. Lange is a hero if you ask me.

Anybody stupid enough to pay for this show deserves to fund whatever Artie does in his spare (and not-so-spare) time.

I gladly pay my money every month Tarzan Boy.


I wish he would show up to the show high on drugs.

Might as well recreate some classic Stern moments like him laughing and drooling on the couch while 50 Cent looks for a way out.

He does the show high all the time, he either ran out or got way to high

I wish he would huck a CD at, then try to strangle, Keith.

One episode he was so fucked up he kept zoning out with his eyes rolling in the back of his head.

One Every episode he was so fucked up

Would've been refreshing if Anthony dropped the fake, over the top enthusiasm and vented a little about the aggravation of dealing with the most unreliable man in show business, or any kind of business, for that matter. I'm sure Joe De Vito came in as a pinch hitter and the zany, HOLY SHIT delivery was cranked up to eleven.

DeVito is great. Chad Zumock is really funny too.

Who and who?

The Twitter tough guy is afraid to let the fat junkie slob have it, preferring instead to let him walk all over him and make a total joke out of his stupid podcast. Him and his make-believe TV biker brother never stop shooting off their mouths but they're cowed by pathetic Artie Lange, a bum who never met a gig he didn't fuck up.

He also can't because Opie bitched about his flakiness for years. If he even hints that his cohost not showing up on time is pissing him off it's a karmic victory for the Opster.

It's the damndest thing, I ran out of gas again. Can you believe it?

Artie basically admitted that he meets his dealer during the Deep Discount breaks and that he brings drug into the studio in his hat.

Prove it Tarzan Boy


Didnt they raise the subscription price also to accommodate bringing Artie on board?

Worst episode of Intervention ever

Did I say 5 minutes? I meant 5 days Signed Artie

Fuck Artie Lange. He should have picked Richard Simmons as his cohost.

He should've picked Arte Johnson. That would've been a verrrrry interesting pick.

Gaaaarrrreyyy. Gaaaarrreyyyy.

(Cackling laugh noise)

Anthony is so afraid of confrontation that he cannot actually bring this up with Artie.

Keith has surely tried to get strong with Artie. Artie surely tuned it out.

At this point I'm rooting for Artie.

Always 👍

I bet Artie was working on a production piece, and got caught up in the creative process and he just lost track of time.

Or maybe he stopped to get french toast, got lightheaded on the escalator, had a person recommend he sit down for a few minutes cuz his hat-covered-forehead was red, and definitely did not hook up with his dealer.

Bunch of whiny little Tarzan Boys.

Not a good sign, but the episode wasn't bad. I have been really surprised how often Artie has been on time or even just a few minutes late, he's been on a good run.

The Super bad news is this opens up the door for a Anthony and Dave Landau hour... and that would Suck so Bad. Any other possible future Co-hosts. Don't say Bocchetti! Direct tried Tom Green and Greg Kilborne filling in for Artie; Compound can afford neither.

Landau is funny and the future of comedy.

Landau is crushing on Anthony big time. He’s going around boasting about their magical chemistry, and acting like appearing on the network is some amazing career move. You could definitely count on him to arrive an hour early for every show, bright-eyed and bushy tailed. After the network goes under he’ll Single White Female Anthony.

They are fininshing each others sentences!

I finally unsubbed about two months ago. Whole channel was dogshit. Such great talent and potential too- with Anthony & East Side Dave being there. But Dave had no one to rope him in and made his show into some wacky, insane drug trip & Anthony stopped giving a shit several months in.

Dave is great radio. You are an IDIOT. Tarzan Boy.

He was amazing on Ron & Fez. I don't know where he went insane but his show on the Compound was always a disaster. Only funny thing he did was the Star Wars special, which Anthony & Gavin helped out with

Compound gets the best guests and the most laughs. Bar none.

Nobody believed you were Joe so now you’re trying to turn this into a bit?

Sad faggot.

This isn’t a bit. I never said I was Joe or Anthony. It was weird how I started posting stuff that was positive about Anthony. Suddenly, I was silenced even though I broke no rules.

You are all a bunch of jealous Tarzan Boys sitting in your little jungles all alone on a sunny afternoon.

You were trying to present yourself as an insider with knowledge about Ant’s legal action against Danny.

You’re a repetitive bore.

Fuck you. You don’t know who or what I know.

I know you’re a nobody who fantasises about being a Cumia. How fucking gay.

Working with Artie Lange must be like playing Russian Roulette with your house and entire financial future in one of the chambers.

I think it seems like fun.

Nice co-host, stupid

Give the guy a break, he's gotta walk all the way back from St. Louis!!!! A CHA CHA CHA CHA!!!

Within 3 months he would routinely be 10 or 20 minutes late, leave to snort coke or heroin during the middle of the shows and brag about it and he would leaving 10 minutes early from 2 hours, oftentimes all on the same show.

Within 6 months, he'd be almost 1 hour late or even later for 2 hour shows with little to no explanation.

Within 123 shows, which is about 8 months, he has routinely no-shown entire shows due to rehab, hospital stays court appointments and now he is just completely blowing off entire shows without explanation.

There has been no fan compensation for this failure to deliver the advertised product due to Artie Lange and Keith the Cop buffoonery and the abject fright that strikes Spaghetti Walls at the prospect of confronting these disrespectful morons about is going to make sure that always remains the case.

Anybody paying for this has no right to complain. You know full that you're getting a worse-than-college-radio product, a worse-than-free-Youtube production level offering, which is headed up by a morbidly obese heroin addict who is now skipping entire shows without explanation or compensation.

On top of that, Keith and Anthony do the billing in the scummiest way possible. If at anytime you cancel during the $90/1 year subscription, you can’t keep watching for the rest of the time you paid for. They just deactivated your account and keep the money.

You lose Gavin, have to pay more for Artie, Artie is routinely late and no-showing and there's been no apology or make-good or COMPED SUSHI or anything for this. Its the death of the network.

No matter what, Ant looks like a dumbass in this situation.

  1. He hired a heroin addict

  2. He thought said heroin would actually show up to work every day on time.

Now that artie skips when he pleases, is ant really surprised at this? Ants a bottom feeder who lurks for people with dead careers

And he is to scared to say anything. Ant is the definition of a pussy. Afraid of conflict and afraid to be a man. No woman would be with him if he wasnt rich. Just a weak dude

I'm worried about Artie.

I think he's doing drugs.

I bet he called in due to heroin

Why are people even mad? Ant and Keith hired a known hardcore junkie to be one of the faces of their flag ship show. Either they figured that the carnival freak show aspect of wondering what Artie was going to be a draw, or they decided they needed a name to prop up their glorified youtube channel and Artie is one of the few people in the biz whose still willing to even be photographed with Ant, much less co-host a show with him.

I don't blame him. Ant is probably driving him to do drugs.

I think Ant is really upset with Artie's absences and general tardy nature. He plays it off like he's a laid back dude that just rolls with the punches. So instead of confronting Artie, he spends hours on Twitter angrily responding to random people. Because he lacks the courage to be confrontational in his real life, because he's an absolute coward with others, his only outlet is Twitter. Ant should probably see a therapist.

Who can't afford $10 a month really? If you can't afford the show or bitch about the price you're a fucking bum.

Maybe his sugar level was too high again, and his doctor wouldn't let him do the show ??

Thread is getting ugly

Well, I prefer ["You're Lost, Little Girl"( by The Doors. It puts me in mind of a certain German pot-head nymphomaniac ....

John Belushi calls it "slam", as referenced at the 02:18 mark of this video.

You been working on a GnR cover band too? Maybe you should ask Anth to raise your allowance

I work at Panera, good sir.

He nods off in defiance!

Look, he's been dancin with Mr. Brownstone, and Artie's been dancing with the Lady H.

Let's call it a day and squash this beef.

Prove it Tarzan Boy

Landau is funny and the future of comedy.

Anthony cares a lot about people. He loves Artie.

Alpha Artie

Nobody believed you were Joe so now you’re trying to turn this into a bit?

Sad faggot.

I like to call it horse......

Here's the thing with unions. They propose a ton of good shit, but this bad shit has to come with it during a contract.

Landau is crushing on Anthony big time. He’s going around boasting about their magical chemistry, and acting like appearing on the network is some amazing career move. You could definitely count on him to arrive an hour early for every show, bright-eyed and bushy tailed. After the network goes under he’ll Single White Female Anthony.

Exactly. He has us!