Today sam Roberts said he would go on a cruise because he's afraid of heights then later say he would go and stay in a movie theater the whole time

17  2018-04-12 by acountnumer666

What a fucking faggot loser nerd. Try something new stupid


Sam wouldn't go on a cruise because long ocean voyages did not work out so well for his ancestors.

Sam's ancestors crossed the Bering Strait when it was still a land bridge 20,000 years ago...

No, that was dangerous and expensive. They stayed behind and heard tail of the grand adventures.

go on a cruise because he's afraid of heights

What's one got to do with the other? As if you can't go camping/hotel on flat ground.

Dude, stop eating chickenshit and be an adult (4 once).

Yikes. His mother did a number on, him didn't she.

Cruises are for poor people

Oh I just went on a one to the Bahamas!! I go two a year and i do zoomba and take it in the ass from my husband on these cruthise.

Do you want a picture of my asshole?

He'll miss Smackdown !