Ant is presenting on Infowars' 'Stop World War 3 Broadcast' now

5  2018-04-12 by lemonmattress


Were now going to Gayman Schwarzcock for the ground strategy in Syria.

He looks extra ghoulish today.

Whenever he's on here, he always looks like he was just done up for his viewing.

Also why is he talking like That? It's like he's playing a character. It's so cringy.

Yeah I've noticed he does that. I think it's just a natural reaction to playing a fake person just like Alex does.

Anthony cumia is to infowars as Sam Roberts is to wwe

You used to be a rival to Stern and now this is what you do for a living, Anthony.

Shhh. He's going to sue you.

Top 10 reasons why there could be a world war 3!!!! You won't believe number 8!!!!!

This is fucking embarrassing.

How sad do you think it makes him to think of himself as a serious non-bullshit political commentator..while the only gig he can get is a pop-up show on that joke network InfoWars.

And has the balls to ridicule Opie's McDonald's pop up shows, while having an Amazon ordered studio.

I don't need to hear the political ramblings from some hobgoblin about Syria. Let me know when he makes an informational video about how to shit in a spackle bucket inside a work van.

he's wearing his white trash going to court attire

What's hilarious is that people actually take his opinion seriously

holy shit cut this fucking idiot off. he can't do anything that isn't satire.

I like how he wears a jacket for the InfoWars channel. Gotta look classy for his upmarket viewers.

No cussin’ either.

Where were you when Anthony Cumia prevented world war 3?

Seeing Rich Vos at the chuckle hut April 13th-16th

I click play and the first thing I see is a Snail Oil advertisement.

I like how the graphic shows his twitter as @AnthonyCumia