Terrible, top to bottom. Dani dressed like a child. Tranth's awkward cookout small talk.

46  2018-04-12 by 2hawt2sexxxi


I’m kind of coming around on Dani. She has a certain Elaine Benes charm to her, but in an annoying millennial way.

I'm surprised that Rockstar shirt didn't fuse with his Nigger skin he wears it so much. Fucking millionaire and most of his wardrobe is hand me downs from Lazlow.

The short sleeve button up also looks like a several-sizes-too-small holdover from his goatee/AIDS patient era.

That made me laugh so hard that it terrified my autistic office mate

That's a mirror.

Is that a joke? Is this a foreigner joke? You need a little more practise before that boat drops you off in the land of the free my friend

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

That's kind of a rude thing to say to somebody. :(

how bout u go an fuck off my comment then u peice of shit u think I need a stupid fuckwitt like u telling me about jokes who the fuck are u take your worthless advice and get the fuck out of here

She has a hot little bod

hot - No

little - Yes

Did not know she was a jew. Now i wished ant killed her on that fateful night

She did have a zinger at the end, 19:00 -

Anth: you posted that horrible pus-filled thing on twitter, why would you do that?

Cunt: It made me think of you...

I would absolutely fuck Dani.

Same here. I love women too fucked up to be strippers

I'd drop a load all over her glasses, no doubt.

I don’t think there’s any debate on that but I would not let her know my real name or any personal details. ant shacked up with this barely functional retard.

Dating or Fucking Anthony = Dealbreaker

A gal would have to have a screw loose, possess a sick daddy complex, or simply be a money-grubbing whore to date him. Fucking one of Anthony's old girlfriends would equate to sex by proxy with a certain, anime-loving aficionado of fast cars.

Stop it. You'd fuck Dani and Missy, dispite being eskimo brothers with this.

Annoying, yet I still would. I could see falling under her spell and staring at myself in the mirror for hours telling myself I am stupid.

Wait a minute, Dani was trying to get Anth addicted to childspit like Brother Joe ...

17:10 - Dani: that's why I spit in your mouth while you're sleeping

Is she..yaknow..retarded? I literally cannot think of a thing this dumb girl would have in common with a 65yo man.

Nice pock-cam action at 13:30 and 15:25.

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How is it that Anthony doesn't know how to hold a beer properly when he loves drinking so much?

He’s not used to holding one in the non-tipping-back position.

The C-broz look especially bloated and puffy in this footage. Natural sunlight and lack of studio pancake makeup are also grossly unflattering to Anthony's face.

🐜s daughter wife perfectly captures the exact auditory characteristics of every white trash longisland bbq. A blind man could hear this and throw up, It’s almost art.

brown trash long island bbq

Nothing like your gal flirting with randos on twitter right in front of you.

Randos? Are you a high school girl?

Nice try Anthony.

Yeah you're right. Rando is a cool word for adult men.

Dassabesso just usin words an fuckin...

Go home, Florentine.

I don't think I've ever seen Dani other than in that video where she said he broke her hand. She certainly has a young look to her...the Ant being a pedo thing makes sense

She looks like she was dressed by Max Hardcore.

Smear that lipstick all over her face and she's ready to go

Face? I'm thinking butthole, then peeing in it.

I have to admit, she looks like fun. Maybe not worth getting criminal charges over, but still

trashy people, trashy talk, trashy time

The girl that's recording. Is that Anthony's girlfriend?

Before he choked, bit, and kicked her.

Jesus Christ he really is a pedophile. This girl maybe 18 but you can tell she is not all there.

If you're new to Dani, she wrote a long blog post about living with Ant. One of these other kind muckers might even share a link if you ask nice.

I couldn't get past her initial appearance and her ba ba booey joke.

Tucked in t-shirts, cargo shorts, Velcro sandals/all white Reeboks, and Bud Lights for everyone. Man, compound parties are the coolest.

Don't forget the shitload of Sam's Club burgers and wieners.

Near the end, Joe randomly breaks into the Three's Company theme song. What a passive aggressive faggot.

This has the dynamic of a child dragged by her divorced dad to his buddy's bbq on his custody weekend.

Does Ant encourage her to dress like a middle-schooler?

Seeing her hanging out with all these out of shape, middle aged, Long Island guys (with their dumb clothes) really puts it all into perspective. Their relationship was just creepy and odd. She barely could disguise her (rightful) contempt for the tired/boring old men at this lame looking outdoor party. She knew she should be with guys near her age and she would never go near these Jort wearing old men if it wasn't for the fact that Ant lavished her with gifts, booze, trips and free board. It's depressing.

She really is dressed like every 12 year girl at a cook out.

In all seriousness, this bitch was the most ugly and retarded at the same time out of all of Ants whores.

Great job dunce, you nabbed yourself both prizes.

Trash people eating frozen fucking hamburgers.

She reminds me of the muppets

She’s beautiful.

I used to have to go to these lifeless Long Island get togethers until I got sense and moved to a funner part of the country. This gave me horrifying flashbacks of the awful chit chat, bad food and shitty drinks I used to have to suffer. Long Island trash are simply the worst. The worst I tell ya! Life here in Obscurityville is so much better!

Dude thank you 🙏🏿 that fuckin place sucks.

Why were we supposed to be jealous he was banging that? And does she think she has sexy legs?

Ever notice how she looks like a female version of Stinks?

Does anyone have evidence of them in the same place together?

This is footage of a millionaire, and I'd still rather be me than him.

It's adorable how small Ant is. He looks like Mega Man trying to posture all big.

He made fun of Pacino's height for years and now he looks like he's wearing lifts ffs! He really is a pathetic fool!

Does he go to a cobbler and have lifts put on his sneakers?

Ant's complexion is even worse in video good god

Why do you have home videos of Anthony stored? Kinda gross and weird.

BTW: SILVER OAK IS THE MOST OVERBLOWN WINE ON THE FUCKING MARKET. It's a complete fucking scam wine. It's north of 200 a bottle, and with the majority of money you're spending on it, you can't even taste or distinguish from a really nice Yellowtail.

The idea was that people like to pay top dollar for wine as a status symbol, so why not schlep some mid-level wine around and inflate the sticker price? Most goons cant taste the difference between cheap and good wine anyway, so who gives a turkey if gavones from Long Island want to spend 2 bills on a wine to simply impress their friends and themselves? They're can't tell the difference anyway, like 90% of all yuppies! They just want to be seen as if they can and have all this unearned sophistication now, like all wops who get a little money.

Silver Oak is a fucking joke in the wine world. Ant and Dani are worthless.

And 98.7% of all Italians are LYING when they say they can tell the difference between good wine and bad wine.

Ant wearing the classic Frankenstein boots and rockstar shirt. My fucking god

What do these middle-aged families with their kids think to Ant bringing along this dumb whore to pierce the atmosphere with her high pitched whining and film everything? Same shit as the high school reunion I imagine; disgust and discomfort, which Ant mistakes for envy.

Don't forget the shitload of Sam's Club burgers and wieners.