Mods: Fix the damn subreddit color scheme for the new Reddit design

0  2018-04-12 by dmix

The sub is using some ugly ass yellow that's impossible to read on a white background. The new design is using it all over the place. Plus the top header bar has no background picture anymore


- homepage:

- comments:

- post submission:


Shut the fuck up

Oh look at this tough guy, I skimmed your comment history and all you do is try to attack important people like me.


God damn. Back to obscurity with me!

Stop whining.

Go post a Jimmy flailing arm meme! This aint your show

What show?

Use mod mail, faggot. No one cares about your dumb-ass problems.

Oh, true, good idea.

Why are you being rude about it?

Fuckin' cry about it, hodge

Show me your boob.

switch over from the new design. its shit.

What new Reddit design?

you can turn it on in the settings, some people have it as default now

Oh look at this tough guy, I skimmed your comment history and all you do is try to attack important people like me.


God damn. Back to obscurity with me!