Stalker Patti has a interesting take on the whole Facebook privacy scandal.

1  2018-04-12 by Dennyislife


The linked tweet was tweeted by @Brooksi on Apr 12, 2018 14:17:43 UTC (0 Retweets | 0 Favorites)

What is happening with FACEBOOK? Everytime I go on it, it "stops working". I wish people would leave the Mark Zukerberg(spelling?) alone. If it wasn't for Facebook, I would not have found friends from years ago I thought I'd never hear from again. I think he's a Godsend to me!

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Even her fukkin cat is a knackered cripple.

God bless this mentally retarded specimen of human life.

She’s not loying

Maybe that WOW Twibbon can make a comeback. Since nostalgia is so hot nowadays.

Facebook doesn't work on government subsidized Jitterbug phones.

This bitch doesn't get enough attention around here. She's an old bat too afraid to do anything. It's a wonder she manages to feed herself.

I don't dislike Patti but it would be funny if someone just knocker her teeth out with crowbar.