Jim Norton does the weather on KSWB

15  2018-04-12 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


I hope afterwards in a hotel room, he made her face look like a glazed donut after it's been microwaved.

Who microwaves a glazed donut?

Try it. Pretty, pretty good

The guy who you responded to and the guy forming a clay bust of Anthony. You know, psychopaths

No more than 10 seconds or the inside of your mouth will look like someone's face.

American Comedy Co in San Diego is a great goddamn club.

That's a tough spot, how fuckin awkward.

What? It seemed pretty obvious he was trying to bang the chick , what would it even matter how he did on the joke weather report, this is the jimmy we all knew and loved

Oof,Nim Jorton.