My friends: No more of the joking of the Jim Norton hand displays. It is not jokes for real men; it is only for the Jews and the gays.

6  2018-04-11 by opieandanthonysubmod

I do not mean to give fuck and trouble to you brothers, but that is not what this sub should not be representing about.

Thank you.

  • opieandanthonysubmod, sub moderator

Too bad, I've got a dozen more in the tank

Do us a favor and drown in that tank.

Just for that, I'm going to whip up a dozen more. Buckle in, you're in for a real treat.

my friend, you are name after the Green Day song. Rethink your decisions please. May Allah be with you

Swing and a miss, odd sub character.

ah yes my friend: Music for the faggots, OK?


How about joking about his questions or no?

Will the dead mother threads still be allowed or no?

You guys haven't seen the Jim and Sam interview? no.

Are you gonna look it up or no?

Hopefully he knocks that shit off.

Are you trying to mother fuck us?

What gave you the impression that we’re real men? Do you think some old school no nonsense type of manly man gets done chopping wood for tonights cooking & heat, sits back at the end of a hard days work & goes to a subreddit to crake jokes about some shockjocks who’s show no longer exist & when it did they were basically unknown outside of the New York City tri-state area?
