Im looking for a TLDR; and more indepth look at the history between Opie, Jim, and Anthony regarding the rift, and hate.

0  2018-04-11 by [deleted]



Why don’t you go fuck yourself, asshole.



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The reasons everyone hates Opie are so myriad it's hard to know where to start. But it's not just about Opie being a terrible person, although he definitely is. What made the rifts so dramatic is that Ant and Jim (and actually everyone involved in the show) really kept their traps shut about not liking Opie, which probably just made the resentment build even more.

Opie is controlling and overly sensitive, Ant is a non-confrontional scaredy cat, and Jim is a passive agressive worm. (They also have good qualities but we don't dwell on those.) With this combination of personalities, it is easy to see how Ant would just allow Opie to walk all over him and do annoying things (things that are bad for the show, disrespecting staff, saying stupid things, etc) and Ant would just feel like he doesn't want to ruin things by bringing it up or starting arguments.

Now once Anthony is fired in 2014, he feels he had been put in a really unjust situation, being fired for tweeting about the exact same type of stuff he gets paid to talk about. This feeling of injustice does two things to Ant: 1) he devolves further down the path of making things political and about race, constantly criticizing the the black community, and 2) he feels justified in airing out all his resentment about Opie. So it all comes out, starting pretty much with his "Greggshells" video. This was the point at which 20 years of pent up annoyance, anger, and bitterness starts to all come out. Jim, the worm, is clearly on Ant's side but is still trying to keep his job on Opie's show. This leads to many arguments and uncomfortable moments on the Opie and Jim show.

You may have already heard this one, but it's so funny and cringeworthy:

The final straw which causes the breakup of Opie and Jim is that Opie books D L Hughely on the show, and Jim tells Opie he'd rather not have him on as a guest (I guess Jim had a beef with DL Hughely at some point?). Opie basically says well I'm having him on so you should just leave the show that day, and that pisses little Jimmy off, and he can't take it anymore. The show quickly splits, and in what was presumably a frantic grab for any available programming, Sirius creates the Jim and Sam Show. They don't know if it will last but it has so far, much to our chagrin.

Next comes Opie's solo show. It's really bad. Unlistenable. Furthermore, although it was not transparent at the time, in retrospect we now know that Opie was using the money reserved for a possible new co-host to pay a gang of comics to hang out daily on the show, like Vic Henley and Sherrod and Chris Distefano. This made the comedians who were going on just as guests kind of upset because they weren't getting paid, or weren't even aware this was going on. Opie's show ends when Opie films Roland going to the bathroom, without Roland's consent. Presumably this was one of Opie's moronic ideas of what he thinks will make him look unpredictable and hilarious, but word gets to management and they see it as an obvious HR problem. That living abortion of a show is put out of its misery, and the Opster's luck in radio seems to have run out...but is there a podcast on the horizon? No one cares.

So that's where we stand now, pretty much. You may be wondering in all of this how we came to hate Anthony so much. We just want him to be funny, but he had too much political/racial commentary, with no Jim to keep him in check and stop him from getting too serious. Also, when Ant is separated from Jimmy he doesn't have that person willing to just keep him honest and joke about him all the time, so he has become very thin skinned. Now he's genuinely bothered by people online joking about him banging a tranny, and since we can see that he's so insecure and thin skinned about it, we have to keep going after him with increasingly worse stuff, exploiting any weaknesses. It's just what we were taught to do by listening to Opie and Anthony all these years. It's in the spirit of the show.

Similarly, without a quick-witted guy like Ant to keep him on his toes everyday, Jim has gotten really soft and self-involved, and we are just sad he doesn't even seem to try anymore. We miss the days of Angry Jimmy...

Oh and everybody hates Sam. No explanation necessary.

So yeah I hope that wasn't too long.