When your too much of a pussy to have a beer but you smoke cheap cigars to look cool and distract from how grotesque you look

0  2018-04-11 by unclepaul84



You can tell by my scarf I'm standing in front of this flag ironically because I'm just so far above anybody who would actually think America was better than any other coutry. Only losers care about things.

  • you're

Got him.

Ron doesn't need to smoke cheap cigars he has a great scam going... listeners who think they are his friend send him shit in the mail.

I love Ronnie B. But he does look like Nathan the Retard from South Park

Wow, that's fucking brilliant.

does that mean Fez was Mimzy?

Hi WhippingHuskies.

thats not even a cigar

Thought this would be a Bob Kelly post.

I think its a piece of beef jerky, to be completely honest which ya.

He’s lost some weight