any good shows with anthony talking about black crime?

1  2018-04-11 by MikeBison213

on youtube or whatever. recorded shows where he talks about black community in general


There might be one or two but Anth is not known for creative crutches. You'll be searching for hours

one of the only dudes who talks straight on this issue

does obsessing about black people make you feel better about being a virgin loser?

Whats makes you think i "obsess with blacks"? Don't be a faggot

All of them.

remove the word good & you'll have an easy search

Are you specifically looking for the one time he said "why can't they just behave" or how about the singular instance where he downplayed white crime and said "why is everyone worried about this, just look at what is happening in Chicago"

Anything from the Zimmerman era really.

There was a show from 2009 where he didn't talk about it . If that helps.