Fat heart attack Ron screaming at Zito was pathetic...

0  2018-04-11 by WhippingHuskies

He got tough with an employee who needs his job, the way Opie bullied people. His fat gullet voice, quivering as if he were a tough guy was the saddest of spectacles. The only thing worse than Ron are the fags here who think this fraud fat fuck is tough. They thought the same about Patrice until I exposed his cuckoldry and sobbing on air. This fat midget, who wears beret, scarfs, 3 pairs of glasses, smokes cigars, is a raging liberal, and started flinching when Colin went autistic on him with his fat gullet pelican voice is a joke.


Do you have to hit women to qualify as a tough guy?

It helps.

People here are as gay as Anthony and Jimmy I've concluded. They get on their high horses about a man defending his honor from wicked women, and then giggle like bitches over dead babies, oh and worship 2 fat fucking heart attacks like Patrice and Ron, who are cucks for real.

You do make valid points. To hold Ron and/or Patrice as the gold standard of "manliness" is short sighted at best. The mere fact that they were professional entertainers should be reason enough to not lend an ounce of credence to their shtick.

Also, sorry to hear you're heading to jail. I just got out...will probably be back soon. I hope it gets better for you, pal.

Thanks, bro. This is on me. I was doing well for half a year before I relapsed bad. Only have myself to blame. I've been an asshole/trouble maker my whole life and I/professionals can't really figure it out besides the very vague Antisocial Personality Disorder bullshit.
As per Ron and Patrice worship, I totally get it. They're funny and familiar, and for confused suburban dudes, they offer a different insight. I just don't like the fact that they're seen as infallible and beyond anything even remotely resembling criticism, despite both being frauds. Only Denny Dr steve and CQ have reached that pinnacle here. Patrice was an actual cuck, and crybaby. I exposed that here to the fags who actually worshipped him as some guru, and I'm gonna do the same to fat Ron. He's a fat midget, fake addict, liberal pussy, who thinks he's some bohemian street guy, despite being from a wealthy Philly burb. I'm ok with all that, but was disgusted by the delusion that happened here after the Colin confrontation.

In the same boat with the Antisocial shit. My cat died before Xmas, my mom right after the new year, I lost my shit and roughed up my now ex because of her callous indifference to what I was going through. Had a couple of good years and just threw it in the shitter. Oh well. Keep rebuilding even if you're just going to burn it down again. It beats giving the fuck up....I think.

We're one in the same. I went nuts after my fiancée died. I tried drinking myself to death but instead ended up in the ER, then beat my g/f after she insulted my dead fiancée. Ended up moving back to Europe, and was doing amazing, till I relapsed. You take care, brother, and keep your head up. I believe in you.

Likewise, man. Take care.

Thank, dude. You'll be fine. Don't relapse like I did.

Where in Europe?

No. Only ones who disrespect your honor, and in front of people to let them know what's up. This was the way of the world for millennia. Only faggots defend disrespectful women. Who don't get laid by the way.

You sound like a laid back guy

I actually am, believe it or not. It's only when I'm black out drunk that I act slightly off.


Weren't you funny before? Go back to that.

I tolerate these terrible posts of yours because Ron & Fez really was a terrible show and you're the only other person offering criticism of either of them.

But for real, I think you're losing your mind.

I'm in an alcohol induced frenzy. Yes. But I'm not wrong here. Ronnie B must be exposed for being a fat fucking heart attack, the same way I exposed Patrice worshippers for being a bunch of fags.

If you got into a drug-dependence program - a real one, not that 12-step horseshit - would it shorten your sentence?

Nah, man. This is short time. I was drunk and smacked my g/f in public and got the cops called on me. She didn't wanna press charges, but they had me on camera. Happens all the time. 3 months is what I deserve for being a drunken relapsed mess. Only have myself to blame. I've been honest about it all. I've spoken to my MD, and will start serious therapy. My brain is fried and I'm a dangerous person. I understand this. 99/100 I'll let things go, and I'm an otherwise calm, cool dude, who people actually love. Unfortunately, I'm just off enough, and have that cowboy thing in me, where I'm unpredictable and a scary person to be around. I've always been this way, even before the booze. Don't know what else to say to you, friend.

"And have that cowboy thing in me"


u/2hawt2sexxxi is disgusted.

What's the cowboy thing?

Hate authority.

I think that makes you black

Patrice and Ronnie are Gods amongst men you blasphemous drunk. Hopefully you mistake a jug of Clorox for a bottle of Jim Beam in your next drunken stupor, faggot

Patrice and Ronnie are Gods amongst men you blasphemous drunk

And this just sums up everything I've riled against. They're dorks and frauds. Funny as fuck, but the respect they get here is insane to me. One ate himself to death, was a legit cuck, ugly as sin, never fought once, and was a flat track bully who started sobbing when Nick Dip confronted him. He also shamelessly admitted to getting his mother to talk to CQ while he cried outside. The other is the same way. Fat, ugly, and a liberal fag to boot, who think's hes tough despite being from a wealthy suburb. They must be exposed as should you.

You probably had a sip on wine cooler and started crying about Ron again.

Blame the booze one more time alchy

No, not the booze, I was born fucked up. I stabbed this Pakistani kid when I was in the fourth grade in the cheek with a pencil. Nice username btw. Very totes cool. Tee Hee.