Nice like-dislike ratio, stupid.

116  2018-04-11 by RBuddCumia


its almost time for the thirty Schumer defenders to comment "Oh, the talent h8ers are up early today!"

...Go dive into a house fire.

is that where Vos is performing?

“The fiyur prahbably started in Bonnie’s schnatch cuz it’s so dry.”

Is there a different way to say 'fire'? Also you left 4 of the 6 's' sounds un-Vos'd. Retard

Will you teach me to do it better?

you showed them

No one supports Amy Schumer.

Certainly no man made structure.

*H8er Fighters

Nice cropping job, stupid

She looks like a fat fucking pig.

Fat fucking pigs usually do

It's REALLY difficult to make taffeta stretch to its tensile strength limit. But that poor billowy shirt looks like it's ready to give up.

Did they wheel in the heavy duty triple strength Bobby Kelly rated chair for Amy to sit on?


Does jeff ross have cancer?

Yeah, he refers to it as his “stand-up”.

Line of the day right there. I'm calling that now. Vurry good.

I actually admire her, not as a comedian or performer, but as a con artist.

It takes a real good swindler to stand in front of billionaires and convince them your "haters" are just a small, insignificant group of sexist right wing trolls who hate you because you possess a vagina. That everyone else besides that small, tiny, but vocal minority absolutely loves you, and wants to continue to see you star in movies. Anyone who says that people are fucking sick of Amy Schumer are sexist pigs so give me $8 Million because one of my assistants found a romantic comedy script where the lead is a fat pig.

And these fucking billionaires go along with this shit. They smile, clap, and pay her.


It's time for Americans to wake the fuck up and realize that Hollywood is a money laundering operation for Mossad.

Then all of the, "I don't understand how they keep making these movies?" questions are easily answered.

america is the jew's whore. the jew uses americas mouth as a toliet.

She's not a very good con artist. She just repeats stuff she heard from someone else that feeds her the ideology she likes. She's just kinda dull. She used to be able to be cute because she was sharp and snappy, but she can't run into anyone that actually knows what they're talking about. You've never met a girl that was a smart ass and thought it was kind of endearing? Give it like 2 weeks and you'll see how shallow it actually is.

Yeah, but do you know how easy it is for them to snap their fingers and get the next plus-sized comedienne to be the product their shilling? Do you think Chrissy Metz from This is Us doesn't want to be the public, $8 million dollar a film face of positive body image? Schume's career should have died when Cartman said he found jokes about her vagina hysterical. Or the multiple times she acted out of line and SJWs couldn't speak up fast enough to shame her.

She knows she isn't a natural talent and has leeched off the success of others to build a career, but what I admire is her tenacity to cling onto her fame and continue to have a fucking movie to promote. Her movie with Goldie Hawn made $60.8M worldwide on a $42M budget - absolutely abysmal. Yet here she is with another press tour for a wide release.

I think we all know that movie will flop. But, the movie industry has shown it is very willing to take a flop over just bowing their heads and taking some shame.

Remember the Barbie movie that she "had to leave" because of "previous commitments" so it was a "mutual parting"? I'm sure there are plenty of others smart enough to pass on Amy Schumer movies.

Yet there are some that still think it's a good idea to throw millions into marketing this shit in April 2018. At the end of the day, it's the same fat deposit into your bank account no matter what sucker you find to sign the check.

They threw millions on the investment that Americans were moving in this direction that every one is awesome. Get Out got like 99% on Rotten Tomatoes, and Black Panther was, from the articles that I've seen, the greatest movie ever made. They are moving around trying to find "progressive" ideals and make them movies that if you don't like, you're some kind of bigot. They're very behind the times on this. People are getting sick of it.

I was reading Neal Gaiman "American Gods" last night and a passage really stood out. Paraphrasing Gaiman, he states that people will feed hummingbirds splenda in the bird feeders because the human is concerned about calories. So the birds feel full but aren't able to get any nutrition because there are no calories/energy in splenda and they subsequently die. The fake progressive ideals provide an outrage that has no calories.

Wide release. Ha ha holy shit.

Amy Schumer's career is basically dead, because of Eric Cartman.

You've never met a girl that was a smart ass and thought it was kind of endearing? Give it like 2 weeks and you'll see how shallow it actually is.

Bonnie too. She can be funny occasionally, but she seems like a real downer if you had to be around it all the time.

Oh, wow, it's almost like she's a woman. Who would've thought they fake being nice and pleasant to be around in public.

That's the point. She seems unpleasant in public, so I can only imagine what she's like at home.

So Bonnie acts like her sister?

tell us how you really pheal

She only makes 8 mil because some guy is making 50 mil off of it.

She is not the con artist. For some reason, Hollywood is still trying to shill her, thinking that she's a prize pig in the body positivity era. She's being fed that shit by her agent or something and repeats it because it makes her feel better.

shes a massive shill and a cunt

"possess a vagina"

Just say "have". No one thinks your smart. You probably go out of your way to say "proceeded to" don't you. Fucking jew

Took it upon himself to

My 29 year old white feminist liberal girlfriend absolutely hates Amy Schumer. She makes me proud.

Fatso convinces Hollywood to pay her to be in shitty movies....that might be business genius.

The first step in being a female is to convince yourself that you believe what you're saying.

It comes from millenia of tribal warfare where men ride into town, murder all the males and the surviving women have to pretend they are cool with the new dudes.

It's like survival neurosis.

She's just completely given up on her body, huh?

As married women usually do.

I watched one of her specials a year or two ago and laughed a lot

I love Amy and all her speeCiaLs!

ApreeL FawLs!!!

YoU ExekUtEd tHE edgAr mEem pERfecTlY

Jim just looks and sounds like a complete faggot, wow

looks and sounds like is

I don't understand the hate for Schumer. I just lack the capacity to be mad about something that I don't care about at all.

We're you here in 2016? This place was fucking insufferable. Schumer threads literally every hour for months.

Yes. I just don't get it.

I hate O, A and J because I used to like them and they're fucking awful now. I've never listened to Schumer for more than a few minutes but nothing I've ever heard from her was enough to warrant any long or sustained hatred from me. As far as I know, she just unfunny. She's not a kit toucher like Lena Dunham or anything.

She's just fat and a mediocre comedian.

I hate O, A and J because I used to like them and they're fucking awful now.

Shouldn't you take your own advice and stop caring about them then?

That wasn't my advice.

Alright, it can be my advice then. If you don't like them anymore, why not just stop caring about them?

Because it's hard to stop caring about something you have cared about for a long time. Ant is also a legitimately terrible person who deserves to exposed for his pedophilia and Hollywood Jim needs to be put in his place.

Because it's hard to stop caring about something you have cared about for a long time.

Have you tried though?


And Amy Schumer used to be like almost all stand ups: everything is on the table to be joked about. She became elitist after she seen a little bit of money, and then acted like she’s the arbiter of what is allowed to be joked about. Even if you never liked her, she now stands for hypocrites that used to be for freedom of speech, and now she’s holier than thou about anything you want to joke about that might offend her.

People like her are all over Hollywood, because they’ve always been sellouts. They seen some potential Netflix dollars and started policing comedy. They are all scumbags.

Anthony was a sellout, too, but he didn’t sellout so hard that he wasn’t saying what he wanted, hence, his firing.

Its not that hard. It was just a dumb shock jock show.

I'll try to put this in a way that doesn't sound like I'm "white knighting" or whatever the stupid term is, but it really is just frustrated-virgin-I hate women horseshit. Anne Hathaway was getting bashed about a day ago in a thread where she was doing nothing but taking a picture of her tits. Never underestimate the anger of the unfuckable, downvote faggots.

Oh you!

Shut up.

The accounts of her by Mark Normand on Tuesdays with Stories make her out to be pretty nice person.

That leather special was atrocious, but why does she care, she was paid millions for it. And those compilations of her stealing never phased me. Most of it seemed coincidental apart from the sketch show shit, and that's her writing team if anything. And fuck Patrice's lame as shit 'urban dictionary' recounting bit, it deserved to be stolen.

Why would a “lame bit” deserve to be stolen?

Why would she close an HBO special with a “lame bit” then too?

I thought Sam didn't want to have comics on.

They didn't

who's funnier than amy schumer?

Literal retards

Anyone with a cock and a functioning voice box who isn’t Opie Hughes or Opie Roberts

Does Sam own one shirt?

How Delusional do you have to be to see these kinds of like/dislike ratios etc and still think you're popular and that it's only trolls?

Actually, most things known for having "h8rs" are shit by default.

I can't believe this woman is still famous. But this is also an era that made Kevin Hart a famous comedian.

When will the alt-right harassment of Brave Amy end?

93 likes 541 dislikes and counting

Does she turn back into her Republican character when she does radio with Norton?

i hate that kike jeffery ross. he should have been gassed in poland.

Shut up.