u/Bams_seed or a xenomorph?

9  2018-04-10 by A_Friendly_Creeper


Nice cranium, stupid.

very kissable

Spray cum graffiti all over that thing

She is a first lady here.

better looking then michelle obama ill give her that

michelle obama

and not on this sub reddit. So that's 2✅

Well she's a guy so...

She is THE first lady here too, so there’s that

I don't like blacks but she is one of the good ones.

Eh. Probably has those burnt purplish cunt lips and from the placement of the photo, she's hiding the lasagna stretch marks under her arms.

You must be new here, we all seen her beaver.

My condolences. Black Vagina is revolting.

How dare you

their pussies look like a wallet

Anthony always said they look like horse pussy

And smell like hot garbage

I'd need to see a picture of her feet before I could fully agree with you.

Welcome to the sub, Mr. Schneider.

nice 5 head, stupid

Unmistakable crazy eyes. Definitely one of us.

Woo! She'd be a problem in a fight.

I would love to bang her and watch her granny arm flaps jiggle.

You're gonna give me an eating disorder

My work is done here.

I got something you can eat.

Well? What is it?

It's my asshole.


Don’t be gross, theres a dame present

She's got the Negroid woman 6 head from destroying their natural hair, but that ain't no Bam's seed. This woman ain't worth my mulatto.

My hair is natural stupid

I was talking about your Mulatto sister in the pic, stupid. I didn't disrespect your Good hair honor. The gall, the nerve, the shame. I perform analingus on you, stupid.

You know im a redbone

I sure, do. You know I love my light skin Latinas. You hack black woman. You complaining about black oppression is as pathetic as Rachel Dolezal or Talcum X. Losers, even in oppression.

Tell that to your paisanos that denied me entrance into their establishments

That's it? In Galicia, it woulda been more. Can you blame them? Don't worry Bams Seed, next time, it's on me.

All this time for whatever reason i thought Redbone meant half black half american indian, OnA sub actually teaching mugs.

Blacks are insanely delusional. They actually believe redbone comes from some native mix, and yellow from some Asian mix. But Lighter Negroids in the West come from mainly white dudes boning black chicks. Non whites hate blacks more than they could ever imagine. Same goes for Muslims and Jews. Their greatest insecurity comes from the fact that the only people who tolerate them are their worst enemies, us.

You took a wrong turn and wound up in the O&A sub. You're looking for Anthroscape, sir.

You're an idiot. A redbone or yellowbone is simply a light skin black woman weather she's biracial or not.

You're a genius. Thank you for letting me know on the intricacies of black colorism and delusion.

If you want to learn more there's plenty of of information on colorism and it's roots in Colonia America. If you're in the area we can give to the library and grab a coffee.

Colorism predates colonialism. In virtually every single culture, long before the White man's conquest of the world, whiteness was considered holy. This Colorism based on white supremacy is as much a myth as the noble savage theory to history.

Oh okay, I thought we were focusing on black slang in America. Are you denying that lighter skinned people had more privilege/advantages?

No. OFC not. They were very privileged, especially the offspring of White men and their servant women. As a matter of fact, it was the educated Mulatto classes who were tasked to rebel against their colonial master, see Haiti and 93 S Africa, only to be butchered by their darker kin afterwards for not being trustworthy.

So why are you saying that colorism based in white supremacy is a myth?

B/c it predated my people's conquest of the world. Every single culture, long before the white man showed up, respected white features, skin. The Spaniards took an entire mega continent on account of a prophecy made by the natives who predicted a superior, beautiful white people arriving. Same shit happened in the East, Africa, and the entire purpose of Islamic Jihadism revolves around brown people mating with superior whites. This happened long before the White power bullshit that took root in the late 1800's.

Every single culture, long before the white man showed up, respected white features, skin.

Can you source this? I have heard the native American account but I'd like to know more about every single culture. Not disagreeing, just interested.

the entire purpose of Islamic Jihadism revolves around brown people mating with superior whites.

I'm not much if a theologan but this is a claim I'd like to know more about too. I'll Google it.

It seems like you're trying to deny that white people have a place in colorism. It doesn't really matter when it started, either way they took advantage of it and used it against people, weather it be some natives who had a prophecy in the 1500s or a mulatto having better access to the American Dream in 1950.

Than google it , bro. OFC white supremacy has a part in the self hatred of non-whites. Only a fool will deny that. But this bullshit long predates our conquest of the world. Japanese and virtually all Asian nobility was chosen on their white skin. I would love to discuss this further, but have to bounce, soon. European caste system just took advantage of something that long predated our massive success.

Than Google it

I did and literally nothing comes up supporting that Islamic Jihadism is about having sex with white people.

Japanese and virtually all Asian nobility was chosen on their white skin.

That still doesn't mean that white people use colorism to their advantage and didn't propagate it.

our conquest of the world. our massive success.

Chill out. Now you seem like a white loser who pats himself on the back for being born into something you had absolutely no control over. There's nothing wrong with pride but you sound like someone who thinks the success of their favorite sports team is somehow an accomplishment that you had a role in.

You're taking this way too personally brother. At this point, fuck my people and their arrogance. That's number one. Having said that, White men are vastly superior civilizationally. Has nothing to do with me or my people. It's just a truth. BTW, don't google. Use any other search engine as these are the same assholes who admitted they hate the West. Colorism long predates my people conquest, which solidified our success. The Natives here in America, and Asians literally opened their gates to a bunch of scurvy ridden pirates. India is the worst example. The caste system existed for millennia, and it was entirely skinned based. It's not that White men are superior, which we in many ways are, it's that every idiot believes this to be a fact.

You're taking this way too personally brother.

I'm just a fan of history

White men are vastly superior civilizationally. Has nothing to do with me or my people.


BTW, don't google. Use any other search engine as these are the same assholes who admitted they hate the West

Okay, gotcha.

Colorism long predates my people conquest

We're going in circles now. The argument was weather white supremacy has anything to do with colorism, I already addressed this in my last post.

Asians literally opened their gates to a bunch of scurvy ridden pirates.

Google gunship diplomacy, Matthew Perry, and Qianlong's letter to King George III. If you werent completely ignorant on the subject you would know that they didn't "literally open their gates to scurvy ridden pirates." Im not too sure on India outside of the caste system but I'm sure the British didn't help.

It's simple really. I have history major from NYU. A more advances, warlike, technologically superior people conquered the world. Happened long before White people. It's happening now with the Chinese and Russians. White men single handedly sped up our evolution by millennia. This is the ugly truth. Look around your room, everything was invented by white men. We are better. We solved the majority of the world problems. We ended slavery, didn't start it. Millions of people come to our countries annually looking for a better life. And not the other way around? Why not? Dance around this reality all you want, but white people, whether we live or die, wil be remembered as Gods. Blame colonialism and everyone else, but that's the truth. Look at what happened in Rhodesia and now in S Africa. Look at the success of white men compared to everyone else. Look at the most advanced nations in the world besides mine, like Japan and S Korea who adapted White culture but didn't make the mistakes of letting anyone else in. Think about this, dude.

Your rant just proves that you feel like I'm attacking white people. You're actually the one taking my questions personal and you're really making my point for me. Add some depth to your thought and really think about this. You haven't refuted nearly as much as I have.

There's nothing to add, dude. I don't care what people here have to say. I know you're not attacking Whites, I'm just bugged out by the fact that you think we have something to do with the catastrophic failure of others.

Dude we're talking about colorism. You have a serious superiority and victim complex. Even your reply is nothing but a irrational contradiction. You should be pissed about the money you spent for your history degree from NYU.

Full scholarship. Again. colorism far outdates the conquest of the white man. And again. Fuck my faggot people and their cowardice. They went from literally playing golf on the moon to actively destroying their civilization in a single generation. Let us go away. But we're not gonna lose. It's impossible. We are better. And that's the ugly truth my brother. There's evidence to the contrary. Colorism is just a by product of this gnarly bullshit. You make it seem like I actually give a fuck. I don't bro.

Full scholarship

If that's true, you're the reason the value if a degree isn't worth shit. I know I have no way of knowing for sure, but I'm going to confidently say that you don't have a history degree not did you get a full ride

More white supremacy /pol/ ranting from an unremarkable white guy who has no identity outside of what people with his skin tone did hundreds of years before he was born WE GET IT.

Colorism is just a by product of this gnarly bullshit.

That's what I've been arguing. It's a by-product of white supremacy

You make it seem like I actually give a fuck. I don't bro.

You obviously do. You already said you had somewhere to be yet here you are 45 mins later.

I'm at a bar, dude. I was trying to be nice to you. Again, you took this way too personally. But I don't blame you. Truth is ugly. You take care, bro.

Your at a bar arguing on Reddit at 12:30pm EST? You argue like my girlfriend, projecting accusations onto the other person when confronted. I already explained how you're taking this too personal and your lack of self awareness details this substantially. Stop trying to take a "moral high ground exit". You havent made a single well though out point. Don't take care, die in a car crash on the way back. Stupid.

Bro, its 647 here in Spain. I don't even know why you're angry. We went from discussing Colorism, which I agreed with you and White supremacy to you wishing me death. What does that say about you, bro?

You agreed? So what has this whole thing been about and how did it start? Don't try to skate over it and simplify it because I broke it down and showed that you don't know what you're talking about. Yes I wish you death, this the Opie and Anthony subreddit so fuck all of that phony outrage. Plane crash, whatever.

I agreed that Colorism and Colonialism were a detriment to the garbage people. You disagreed that it happened beforehand. You went ballistic over the truth that I described, despite me being nothing but nice to you. It's not my fault that your people have failed, dude.

A detriment, sure. But you didn't agree that it was propogated by whites. You made up history and I actually gave real names and events that can be looked up anywhere (not just Google, because they're anti-white) and you had nothing to reply with except for a pro-white supremacy rant that reads like a 17 year old on /pol/. You then switched to a victim complex when called out, which sounds about white. You then get upset when I tell you how I really feel and all of a sudden it's "I was nice to you why are you attacking meee", which, sounds about white.

the garbage people

Yeah that's what I thought. Die in a plane crash.

Dude, non White males have failed. That's all. You know and I know. I look forward to the collapse of my people. I have provided you with facts. You can't refute this. White men are superior. We hve provided everyone else with life. Your people, whichever they are, have failed. We tried our best, you have failed us. Don't take this out on me. I'm not upset, you are. I think all non white males are a joke, and we're gonna see that sooner than later. Wishing me my death won't spare the reality of the world. Colorism due to Colonialism or not. I wished you well many messages ago, and I do now. I know your pain. But it's sad. Worry about the failure of the garbage people, and not what else we can do to help you losers. Let it go, and enjoy everything we've given you. The Chinese and Eastern White man will not make our mistakes. Understand this, brother.

I read your your first sentence and stopped. Although I'm no doctor, I believe you are mentally ill or drunk based on the location you disclosed. Whatever is bothering you about your place in life I hope you resolve it in a healthy manner. You don't have to be an angry white supremacist because you yourself are unhappy. I can only suggest you talk to someone and stay out of echo chambers (The Donald, pol, Fox News, AM conservative talk radio) I used to be just like you. If you aren't willing to change that's fine, no thoughts and prayers, just death wishes. Your train of thought is dangerous and if you really have a history degree, you'd know that.

That's nice bro. You went ballistic over an ugly reality I never stated. But enjoy the decline. I know I will. Colorism will be the least of your troubles soon enough. And don't you dare play victim. No one is listening anymore.

Where do you live dude?

Finisterre Spain, whats up?

But you threaten me? I'll show you whats up real quick. Daddy is home faggot. Genocide is in my blood. Good luck with us.


Exactly. Fuck off shitskin.

All I hear is REEE.

Now whats up? Deport or kill the monkeys. You wanted a racist. Here I am. Get the fuck out if you don't like the only people who will ever help you out. That's all. You fags wanted oppression that hasn't existed, you're gonna get it.

REE! The Genocidal Viking will have his day!!! REEE!

Exactly monkey. Nothing. You're another ingrate. Leave if you don't like it. You wouldn't dare.

Okay I'm back. Almost 12 hours later and you've managed to rack up nothing but downvotes during your afternoon Reddit Adventure. We'll never agree and that's because I'm smarter than you and more emotionally rational. I sincerely hope you die of brain cancer before 2021.

This fag actually inboxed me instead of continuing our bullshit publically. I know no one cares but goddamn.

He's right about everything, you know.

Nah, I'd sooner kill your ungrateful garbage people. You people have committed suicide via ingratitude. It's insane you haven't seen it yet.

That's fine. You're not the only willing to die. Perhaps we'll meet during the war and I can out a bullet between your blue eyes after your family is slaughtered.

I have green eyes, but we'll slaughter you monkeys within a week. You're garbage monkeys and you know it.

Daddy's home now. Enjoy the ride while it lasts. Colorism is gonna be your least problem once we go to war.

BTW, I'm not some White Power guy. That's disgusts me. White men complaining is even more pathetic than non whites living in the west playing victim. It's called honor, bro.

There's a weird thing about racemixing, when the mix gets too light the hairline goes really far back for some reason. VonDecarlo has it too.

That's not from race mixing. I have two Mulatto children. That's from Negroid women burning their hair with chemicals. It's just more noticeable on half breeds as pure jungle Chamiso women straight walk around bald if not for wigs.

It makes otherwise plain girls look pretty. Tyta banks, rihanna etc

/u/bams_seed when are we going to see the butthole?

You missed it

Don’t toy with me

I know you're a little too dark and a little old for his taste at this point, but at any time has Ant reached out to you?

He prefers the trans

And? How big is your dick?

What about those tootsies?

Keep trying

Oh, I will!

At least describe what they smell like.........after a long day.

Fritos and Cocoa Butter.


How bout a dm of those nice full tits? I'll be dead by the end of the year😢and it's all I've ever wanted🙏

Her forehead is bigger than Sam's!

I love how the one girl that posts on here gets reviled, like guys it's just a girl, she isn't brian gilgore or something.

The last thing a CIA gangstalker sees.

either way Id still fuck

U ain’t the man. U run for the man. I fear nothing

I like the five head thing, more space to cum on.

Seriously though, not bad without makeup. Would bang if the cops weren't standing right behind her. They're still following you Bams seed, Look out!

Oh shit

Is that your real name, Shaneekwa?

shE Is A bEAuTIfuL pRiNCeSs

Get that guy in here that does the ms paint portraits to sketch her butthole for us like that crazy eyes whore.

The very talented u/justneedtologin I believe


"Duuude, ya got ya hood rat, she gets ya alone, says she'll fuck ya brains out, lies about having condoms, she says she's on birth control, BOOM, baby 9 months later duuuude"

Looks like Ashley Banks if she lived in public housing.

It's my asshole.

Anthony always said they look like horse pussy

Fritos and Cocoa Butter.

very kissable

Spray cum graffiti all over that thing

And smell like hot garbage

I agreed that Colorism and Colonialism were a detriment to the garbage people. You disagreed that it happened beforehand. You went ballistic over the truth that I described, despite me being nothing but nice to you. It's not my fault that your people have failed, dude.

Dude, non White males have failed. That's all. You know and I know. I look forward to the collapse of my people. I have provided you with facts. You can't refute this. White men are superior. We hve provided everyone else with life. Your people, whichever they are, have failed. We tried our best, you have failed us. Don't take this out on me. I'm not upset, you are. I think all non white males are a joke, and we're gonna see that sooner than later. Wishing me my death won't spare the reality of the world. Colorism due to Colonialism or not. I wished you well many messages ago, and I do now. I know your pain. But it's sad. Worry about the failure of the garbage people, and not what else we can do to help you losers. Let it go, and enjoy everything we've given you. The Chinese and Eastern White man will not make our mistakes. Understand this, brother.

All I hear is REEE.