True story- My friend smacked TJ Miller a few years ago, and he ran away screaming for help...

0  2018-04-10 by WhippingHuskies




You're a relentless droning idiot huh

Didn't you block me after declining a fight fag?

Clearly it didnt work. You really are as dumb as they come though.

I would love to beat you. I challenge you to a fight. Again. Coward.

I hope you dont get any custody of that child you created, but they still garnish your wages at wendys.

No, wendys in spain. Son, give me a location. Be a man.

You're in Spain, right? I got an appointment Friday:

Carrer del Comte Borrell, 164, 08015 Barcelona

12noon Friday, ask for Pedro

I'm in Galiza.

Ah, the old bit by the bay of biscay. Do you have your own government up there?

I was only jokin anyway, 'cus you kept offering to fight people.

The coast of death. Finisterre. The final destination of "The Way" pilgrimage and staging point of the Reconquista. Spain is even a bigger joke than your country, only difference being people here still have courage and self respect. I know you were joking, but I offer to fight people who disrespect my honor. They eventually all cower away.

But, anyhow this was a true story you stupid bitch. It was outside the cellar. TJ started talking shit to this lil Latino friend of mine, not realzing his friends were right there, and when he did, he ran off into Washington Square Park, living his friends at our mercy. We felt bad for them and just took their shit.

You have to be a real pussy to get in a fight with a woman on an Amtrak train and then call in a bomb threat against her as retaliation.

is that what that fag did?

Yea sir, he was arrested by the FBI today.

We must kill Leftist and they're pets.

Clearly it didnt work. You really are as dumb as they come though.

No, wendys in spain. Son, give me a location. Be a man.