The last thing an 11-year old girl sees before the Rohypnol takes effect

105  2018-04-10 by BrocialistFuckboi4U


“Mr....Mr. Cumia...I don’t feel so good...can I call my mom?”

“Sure, sweetie, of course you can. Let’s just lay you down for a little bit first and see if that helps you feel better. I’ll unbutton your pants so you can breathe easier.”

Imagine going through decades of life being this repugnant.

Explains the drinking.

And Coke with Ro. All the Cumias are monsters.

Why would anyone want to do coke with your mom?

I get smoking weed and drinking, but coke is such a different scene, who wants to hear their mom babble about how shitty her husband was?

What else do you imagine that fertile mind was capable of producing?

Not Dawnie <3

Wearing a popular t-shirt from his homeland.

Nice homeland, t-shirt.

He is just so fucking ugly.

Don't forget freakishly short. That factoid often gets lost in these close ups.

Looks like the bad guy in Grease who, coincidentally, died of AIDS.

He looks like Nicholson in the Shining

He looks like Heath Ledger when he's not wearing the joker makeup

Is this one of he 911 hijackers partying the night before the attack?

Those homos apparently all shaved off their body hair before leaving their motels. Weird fucks.

They knew their bear-like appearance would make them as terrorists right away.

The poor plumber who had to scrape the thick arab fur out of all those shower drains...

Some statistics aren’t reliable, but here’s one you can take to the bank; anyone who wears an “infidel” patch, t-shirt, or puts that sticker on their car is a wannabe faggot.

Nice use of a semicolon, stupid

Nice pajammy pants, stupid.

He could literally have slopped wall spackle onto his face every morning, and it would still look better than that crater-pocked mug.

face for radio

Does his shirt say Al-Qaida?

Other than 13 year old girls, who goes around taking duck face selfies wearing pajama pants?

You are what you eat

If he weren't such a drunk he'd look so much better than he does today.

That is a face lovingly sculpted by thousands of mornings worth of waking up dehydrated and hungover.

Motherfucker looks like the head enforcer of the villain in a Lethal Weapon.

If I looked like Anthony I would throw a burlap sack over my head every time I saw a camera. Yet he constantly photographs himself. Doesn't he know that he's ugly? Not just ugly, but brilliantly ugly. He's so ugly that you never stop being taken aback by it. Every single thing that could be wrong with a face is on his face.

Nice hairline, pubehead.

You and like 7 acquaintances can ride mules down the holes in his face and go camping for a long weekend and get ax murdered by a slightly creepier version of him.

Nice painting the picture, stupid.

Thanks! Nice flair.

You forgot to call me stupid, stupid.

I only beat horses when they're alive.

He's got that Max Cady 'I wanna fuck your teenage daughter' look in his eyes

I remember when "hey look I'm drinking" photos were all the rage... When I was 18. And yet here's ant in his 50s wearing pajama pants, alone, drinking.

His Arabic t-shirt and slicked back hair helps sell the Syrian guido look he's mastered over the years

“I ain't no white trash piece of shit. I'm better than you all! I can out-learn you. I can out-read you. I can out-think you. And I can out-philosophize you. And I'm gonna outlast you. You think a couple whacks to my guts is gonna get me down? It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than that, Counselor, to prove you're better than me!”

lmao this Arab has kuffar on a t-shirt, he should have الخومة al-Kumiah

Aren't you going to eat your sandwich?