The Princess and the worm

10  2018-04-10 by _Character_Assassin_

Has anyone heard Jim talk about his girl(boy)friend recently? I haven't heard anything and was wondering if they were still together. "It's different man...."


Schumer was pretending to give a shit jimmy forgot how she met her husband and said " I know everything about your relationship " it may have been relationships but didn't sound like it on first half listen while I shit my guts out.

He said something on Friday to Brad Williams (midget) and his wife (normal) about how he can relate to their struggles with height difference because "my ex-girlfriend is 5'10".

He omitted the part where his "girl"friend is of average height and above-average length/girth for an adult male.

I hear she's only 5' tall flaccid

I hear she's only 5' tall flaccid