ANTHONY LAWSUIT: What's the Story?

0  2018-04-10 by OpiesInnerCircle

I've missed a few days of this lovely sub. I see Danny Ross has spoken to investigators about the under age thing, but, I can't figure out what the lawsuit talk is all about. Please help.


Your' in the wrong inner circle.

The fanook Dago is threatening legal action against people that slander his name here with illegal accusations. In his words were trying to cause harm to him and his relatives.

He's not doing anything. Danny is all too willing to testify and get the court to look statements given to Nassau County PD.

"The court now calls Reddit user ProfessorButthole666 to the stand....."




*we're trying

Your Honor, my name is Salvatore Gobagool Esq. And I represent Mr. Cumia in this matter....