Did Anthony really have a butt plug?...

8  2018-04-10 by WhippingHuskies

and who exposed him? Anyone know the full story?


It was from a periscope video where Dani asked him about it since she found it in the house... and I swear there's a moment he wants to drive off the road with how slow his reaction was.

What??!!! They were in his car or home? I thought you guys were just fucking around, but I saw the side bar with him searching for his gun, with a butt plug on the ground, and had to ask.

They were in his car and she was asking him about it and he gave such an unconvincing response.

Someone posted it recently, like within the last week or so and saw it for the first time myself. Can't find the damn thing now, though.

I think this thread just got nuked. I can only communicate with the posters here via inbox. I think Anthony may be depleting his fortune trying to stop this.

My god. The world must here our story.

Nice "here," stupid.

I challenge you to a fight.

My address is 29 Horseshoe LN, Roslyn Heights NY. Come at night with a gun IF YOU DARE

Perhaps a buttplug?

Mods are deleting TJ miller story.

Mods are deleting TJ Miller stories. Take it to Reddit and the rest of the faggots here.

It was an "egg". And Dani said it on one of her snapchat videos.

The one where he beat her and she was pilled/coked out?

No no, the other one.

The thread just got nuked. The Kumiyas don't want this truth getting out with the same venom God's chosen people don't want anyone to know about the Kalergi plan.

The proof was in the Freddy Kumiar tapes. I think Sons of Tranarchy had them removed

I'm sorry, man, I don't know what any of this is.

This was one of the most disturbing things, I've ever seen. He must be stopped.

Dani exposed him in one of her Periscopes. Here's the video: https://youtu.be/G7RZVBr4AB0

The nerve of this fag. BTW this is why you don't allow crazy women in your life. When I was 19, I started fucking around with this 23 year old Palestinian girl,this was when 9/11 happened, and I started accusing her of being a jihadi and in cohoots with Jews. She almost ruined my life, but kept coming back for, and I was too weak at the time to resist her advances. It was a cycle a violent sex, pure hatred on my part, and catastrophic scorn on hers. Had it been today I woulda been ruined.

You are an enigma, wrapped in a riddle my friend

I'm an animal.

nobody cares about your life stories, retard

I'm sorry I disrespected someone whose you're name ends with 69. You should be taking very seriously.

I beat and rape you.

It's the only thing preventing him from shitting himself at this point

BRAHAHAHA, has to be bro.

I'm an animal.