Sue everyone

97  2018-04-10 by bhp5


Can't stop looking at Artie. I've seen old men slumped in armchairs in nursing homes who were spryer.

What a whiny woman. He's bullshitting. He's not moving forward with anything because that would only bring light the rape and pedophile allegations in a court room.

This faggot during his beard's divorce didn't even want to talk about the threesomes where he couldn't get his dick hard because there wasn't another cock there.

Remember when he told stories about not wanting to get his wife pregnant, so he’d pretend to but and then run in the bathroom?

He’s always been a fag

Unless she was blackout drunk (very likely) his wife would have known he was faking, unless this story is bullshit of course. Ask any woman, they can feel it very clearly if they get nutted in. So either his story is horseshit or he was shooting in her and he's totally infertile.

Whatever the truth, yes, he is a total faggot.

Yeah, I never understood this story. Did his ex just not clean her cunt? Because she apparently never wondered why ejaculate wasn’t streaming down her legs ten minutes later. It’s a story a virgin would come up with.

I can't wait until he has to pull Schumer and come out as some left-wing crazy. Saying those 15 years of incriminating audio about wanting to bone 13 year olds and killing black people "were just a character."

He's playing that game where you wrap a lie up in a morsel of truth.

He doesn't understand that it doesn't work that way when you're a public figure, and the internet caches things, archives things, etc...

For better or worse, the last 20 years of his life has been archived on Youtube, fan sites, google, etc... Give it up Cumia you can't just turn the opposition's mic off and send the pests anymore.

He's playing that game where you wrap a lie up in a morsel of truth.

"yes, i followed a girl on vine and she was in college. is that a problem?"

just replace 'high school' with 'college' and its all good, right Ant? This way, you can "admit" to a non-issue.

Is this video a parody of Anthony Cumia? I'm what's real anymore. Cuz that was so delusional - that couldn't be a shoot.

"College girl" - try a 13yr old...WITH BRACES U SICK FUCK!

The man charged with a 3RD DEGREE FELONY!!!! And a slew of other misdeamanor charges, including assault & unlawful imprisonment...

He's kicking knowledge on morality & legalities? What a fuck up.

I hope Ant and artie both die soon. Also Jim, opie, sam, e-rock, Bobby, pretty much everyone. I hope they all kill themselves and each time I'll post saying "Nice suicide, stupid."

One more time, in studio. Get them all together to yell/bitch at each other, then flood the room with carbon monoxide.

What's wrong with Piggy Boy?

Nothing that some prenatal gene therapy couldn't have knocked out of there.

Joe DeRosa has sock tits.

He's so hate-able. And he's looking more and more like Louis from Ghostbusters the older that he gets.

"Yes, have some!"

Danny; how possible is it for Anthony to try to sue any of us, or this whole sub?

Zero point zero.

Sue Lightning everybody!

Artie couldn't give a shit. Just counting down the seconds until his hour and forty five minute day is over.

Yea you could tell by the look on his nose he just phoning it in

"Let's knock off early."

the look on his nose


Why is Artie transitioning into Bucchetti?

Nice leaving out of the important details of the vine girl and him deleting his vine because of it. She was of age but she did not look it AT ALL. She had braces ffs

There was more than one girl, and one of them was the little girl from Game of Thrones, not the hot blonde dragon one, the little girl that looks like a little boy.

You know exactly what her character’s name is and what her position in the fictional society is.

Dental plaannn!

If they know, you, the police must know if they know so why are you not in jail?

You see, Artie...sometimes non-police people know things the police don't know yet. Unbelievable, I know. Also, that Keith guy you may have seen in the place you "work" is actually an ex-cop Anthony employees. It's been suggested that he shields Anthony from law enforcement.

Also, having a fistful of PBA cards and a best friend who's a cop helps.

It sure has.

They cancelled the PBA card system after they found out keith was sharing his with a black man.

Literally the logic of a 12 year old child. Junkies are fucking disgusting “humans”.

get a load of Highhorse McIvorytower ovah here

> Junkies are fucking disgusting “humans”

Ow. You take that back mister.

He must have seen that blog article

Joe DeRosa? Oh no, why? The background photo looked like Kevin Meaney to me. Would be nice to see him on.

I wish Joe was in the same state as Kevin Meaney.

The evidence is that he followed a college girl on Vine??? lol is he trying to build his legal defense?

A college girl on vine? That girl was a preteen. If he would mention the real allegations I might believe him, but he only shares fake ones. Seems guilty.

It wasn't just one either from what I remember. He's so full of shit

Why doesn't he just post a picture of the girl, so that we can all see that it's completely above board?

Oh Jesus!

She literally looks 12 years old. He's a fucking ghoul.


to be fair she could be a college girl, sure she looks 12 in that pic , but I know 50 year old with braces too

Does it matter? The reason he's attracted to her is her preteen look.

Sure it matters it's the difference between fucking adults who look underage and fucking children

I believe she was 17 at the time. Thats why ant is just referring to her as a girl that went to college. It sounds alot better than the truth.

Yea but that was like 10 years ago. She's in college now. Case closed.

Ant is just making himself look guilty.

"Lock up the entire male race"? Sorry, I've never once felt the urge to follow an allegedly college girl on vine.

Even if you did, you’d have Anthony beat by 4-8 years.

Maybe she's like a Doogie Howser

Why would he delete his vine if it was no big deal?

Wow. Anthony actually thinks he's a celebrity like Tom Cruise. The only thing more sad was when Derosa referenced his fight with Ant as them "beefin".

Joe is a rapper so he can say that.

Oh God, I read that DeRosa came back to NYC defeated, but I thought that was just a rumor. It really happened didn't it? DeRosa tried to make it in LA and it didn't work out.

I kinda feel bad for him :(

That's got to be so weird, coming back defeated.

I had such a strong douche chill on the "beefin" that I turned the clip off and stopped listening right there. As ghoulish as Anthony is, I don't have the automatic dislike of him that I do for "indie artist" Joe DeRosa.

Old man Cumia is trying to sue the internet now?

Old man Roth would never follow a vine like that, but old man Cumia knows em like the back of his hand!

(Danny Ross in the background puts his face in hand, holding a cigarette)

Joey Roses has zero self respect. This sub gave him some light joshing, but the only one who legit harassed him (in Joe’s words) was Fred from Brooklyn. So why is he hanging with the poker buddy of that insulin-dependent fag?

Notably, this appearance is after, not before, credible pedophilia allegations surfaced against the host. How will you explain this one to any of your friends, Teen Idol Sensation?

All his friends - black and white - are kid touchers, so it's no big deal.

Well we could take a page out of the old O&A playbook and add an "Allegedly" tag to every post about him. That should get us around all that libel.

Don't forget to interrupt your post every now and then to repeat "Allegedly."

No I'd like to see him waste thousands of dollars on legal fees to embarrass himself in court. But we all know that won't happen so who gives a shit.

Artie's transformation into a blobfish is almost complete.

Wait, what did Joe end up telling his black friends?

The only reason he's not in jail it's because he's a local D-List celebrity. Otherwise all those girls ( young women now ) would get together and MeeToo him.

This the only clip of yest AA show?? Bitchin? Wheres da rest of the funny! ?

Wheres da rest of the funny! ?

No where to be found

I just listened to that gem.People pay for that garbage???Fucking Artie acts like my brain damaged uncle.Fucking brutal.

Am I crazy? Thread says 21 comments but I only see one

And people pay for this shit?

Yeah that baby-fat faced girl with braces and no mature features was totally in college.... Fuck off Ant. He's reprehensible.

i was 17 in college and my first day sat next to a 16 year old. this doesn't help him lol.

Same here. Lots of jailbait in college.

She was. We found her twitter. Unless she was a genius who was put into university young. But she followed ant on twitter so I doubt that.

Fair enough. Either way her preteen features were what attracted ant to her. He probably deleted all the evidence after he figured out she was of age.

what? thats not what he said

Your comment doesn't even make sense.


Not to mention Ant joked about memorizing the legal age limits in plenty of surrounding states.

He was fully aware of the legal risks of his sexual fetishes.

Did he interact with her outside of liking her videos? Has she spoken to anyone here?

Yes and yes. Years ago now though

Has anyone got a pic of the one he followed on vine? No chance she was older than 14.

Jesus he is a dirty cunt

How can a man be attracted to this. Only pedos.

My god Anthony is such a pissy-eyed faggot

Is he going to talk about getting catfished by what he thought was a pre teen in court? His ex blogged about it.

"You got lost along the way somewhere"

He’s starting to sound like more like a get off my lawn guy and less like a shock jock. Artie’s nose looks like it’s healing and Joe’s tits look amazing.

The irony when Ant starts talking about defamation of character. This is a man who -

  • Stomped and bit a 90lb girl
  • Lost his gun licence
  • Had to go to court ordered rehab (and drank there according to his own brother)
  • Got fired from his job for racist tweets
  • Admitted on air that he'd fuck a 13 year old
  • Was liking this girl's vines amongst others before he swiftly deleted his account when he knew his likes were visible to everyone

That some character you've got Ant.

Well you're safe from a lawsuit, he can't sue facts

But he can fac sue

great list

disclaimer: (this is only an introduction for newcomers. The list can really go 20 more lines)

Let's never forget sending iPads to middle-aged men posing as teenage girls.

It's not alleged. He fully admitted to it and framed it as him "helping her".

It's all here -

Ant the Ally.

Hey, man... just covering my bases with Pocky The Litigious Greenscreener.


You are negligent in not posting the one piece of evidence that exonerates Ant entirely: He fucked a former coworker's girlfriend.

Case closed, all charges dropped.

Even Patrice responded with "you should be put down" after he said that on air. Imagine what Opie must know about the guy from 20 years of working with him.


"this place has no effect on our lives"


"you just can't let some things go"

Came here to say this, people went from being irrelevant to what keeps Ant up at night in a fucking hurry.

From obscurity to attorney

That was driven by Ant’s fuckstickery and his “I’m not Gregg” comfort zone. OP’s hateability is his personality and it’s immediately obvious to anyone who listens. Anthony is a terrible person with skeletons, so it took a little more time for them to be discovered.

Out of all the horrible lows Artie Lange must have stooped to in order to acquire heroin and hide his addiction this is probably the lowest point of his career. He went from cracking up JJ. Abrams to listening to the ramblings of a man who was indicted for biting his girlfriend.

And he deserves every bit of itm

This is his "requiem to a dream" ending.


I Love Lucy references? The man is a dinosaur.

His go to male celebrity is Clark Gable, I'm pushing 30 and had to look up who that was

Maybe a 14 year old could be in college if she's exceptionally smart

Why can't this worthless piece of shit ever elaborate on which of his family members and co-workers are being so viciously "harmed" and what is being done to them? He loves to bring this stuff up but then he talks about what's going on very vaguely, throws out a bunch of fallacious statements, and quickly moves on to another subject.

True, it's realy only his brother. We never fucked with his dead alcoholic coke-head mother when, who he abandoned in old age, when she was alive.

The worst he can claim, besides Kuhn getting ONE gig cancel, was some empty obituary page they paid an extra hundred dollars for at the funeral home, which a few assholes here wrote on.

What a liar, all the sudden the 13 year old girl on vine was in college.... Fuck Anthony

Maybe she is just really smart

and the tranny "rumors" got started because of Bailey Jay

as the great /u/MartyVanB alluded to, he'd be destroyed in the discovery phase, where all these lies, and so much more, would be exposed


A "gaggle of a dozen people?" There are literally 1,035 peckahs here right now out of 21,702 subscribers.

All I hear is the pathetic rantings of a guilty man.


He really is a pissy eyed faggot. Sue them tough guy. What a hypocrite, Sue everybody Sandy cumia.

Anthony for all of his faults offends me most nowadays for being such a worthless broadcaster. I'm convinced if you extracted any random snippet of AA of equal length to the footage above, your brain would be pierced by the same, intolerable, maniacal fake laughter and prehistoric pop culture references.

Seeing Anthony buddy up to that faggot back stabber Derosa is the most offensive thing in this video. The only reason Deroa is still around is because he failed completely due to lack of talent (and lack of everything else of value).

Cocksucking Derosa. What a star studded guest list.

Does Ant know what Discovery is?

he will NEVER do anything that stupid because his vine history and all the potential groomings hes tried to pull off will also be mentioned.

Goddamn they all aged like shit.

This is basically Scott & Todd Long Island.

Nice timely I Love Lucy impersonations...of Fred Mertz. Jesus.

You said it, man.

This is too good.

Danny is gonna get sued for the fingering allegations and provide us with more laughter

Wish Joe would call him out when he was laughing when his fans were trying to ruin Derosa career and Ant would retweet and laugh about it but I guess that's different.

Whaaaaaa they are writing mean comments about me WHaaaaaaaaa

This is so sad. Anthony is a mess. Joe is embarrassing. Artie is a bigger mess than Ant. Who would pay for this garbage?

I'd take it to court. Discovery would be a laugh riot. I vote malcolm to represent the sub.

Tranpa has officially entered the "Lenny Bruce reading court transcripts on stage" phase of his tragicomedy.

He held up his phone as proof that he's got his lawyer on the case (what fucking case?).

You jackals really did a number on him. I hope you're happy.

"If they know how you-you the police must know if they know." Way to contribute Artie.

"I followed a college girl on vine."

That bitch must have been extremely advanced, because she looked 14 to me.

is anthony friends with derosa again?

A few dozen. 20000 people

Jesus he is a dirty cunt

He's so hate-able. And he's looking more and more like Louis from Ghostbusters the older that he gets.

"Yes, have some!"

Danny; how possible is it for Anthony to try to sue any of us, or this whole sub?

Sure it matters it's the difference between fucking adults who look underage and fucking children

True, it's realy only his brother. We never fucked with his dead alcoholic coke-head mother when, who he abandoned in old age, when she was alive.

The worst he can claim, besides Kuhn getting ONE gig cancel, was some empty obituary page they paid an extra hundred dollars for at the funeral home, which a few assholes here wrote on.

You said it, man.