Question for Danny regarding Ant's confession.

0  2018-04-10 by LittleScorch

I've asked this elsewhere but so have a few other people so I thought it made sense to have a thread for it.

What was the context/content of Ant's claim? Was it a jocular brag, or a guilty confession? Did he seem to expect a high five? I'm sure the legalities will play out in due course, but as far as people here believing you (I personally do), a bit more detail about the conversation in question and your reaction would be helpful.


Can you faggots just make a Danny subreddit and get it over with? The fucking obsession with talking about him here is mind numbing.

The fucking obsession with talking about him here is mind numbing.

This statement can be said about this sub regarding ANYBODY.

You'd never even come up if you didn't post here, it's embarrassing how tickled pink everyone is to rub elbows with someone who was on the show.


I used to see tons of threads before I even had a reddit account.

There's a "Question for Danny" post a half dozen times a day now, you can't tell me that was happening before.

That's why I made a fuckin AMA thread ya dingus. To unclog this mess.

To unclog this mess.

It's not working.

Yeah so blame me, get fucked already.

I didn't blame you, jack-off. Look at what I wrote and find one fucking instance of saying that you're responsible. I told these fruits to knock it the fuck.

...and isn’t that all we really want?

Some good Opie bashing...peppered with a little “was listening to this clip and it was great”...finished off with some thinly veiled racism. Let’s get back to basics this is getting a little too serious.

oh that’s why. see i thought it was to shill your shitty podcast.

Thanks for listening!

i don’t listen, silly kike

Yeah so blame me, get fucked already. This place will be back to Opie's tits and The Mad Cuban in no time flat.

I didn't blame you, jack-off. Look at what I wrote and find one fucking instance of saying that you're responsible. I told these fruits to knock it the fuck off.

Bullshit you’re exploiting this sub, I have said it before and I’ll say it again - GO AWAY.

lol exploiting for what??

Were you not advertising a podcast?

Sure a free podcast.

J&S is paid, AA is paid. How come what I do is awful.

You idiot, that’s still advertising for yourself. A lot of things on the internet are given away for free but the creators of free content still maintain the benefit of having an audience, promoting, getting a message across, etc.

You really used a shit analogy by mentioning J&S or AA. Now, genius, is the Joe Rogan podcast free? I think so. Does he make a shit ton of money? I think so. Just because your podcast is free doesn’t mean you’re not exploiting this sub to try to get more viewers and in turn make yourself more popular, I guess that’s your goal. Honestly, I don’t know what the fuck you’re trying to do, I just wish you would stop.

Yeah dude, I get it. It's me, so anything I do is shitty and evil.

Nobody is asking you to listen. I have barely made mention of it at all. I only started a podcast because people from this sub specifically asked. I'm tired of the question "why don't you start a podcast". So there you go. Listen or don't.

Nobody is twisting your arm and any mention of it can be easily ignored. Additionally, I'm not running 100s of bots to upvote posts and ask the same questions over and over and over.

If you have a problem with my presence, feel free to voice your concern to the mods of this sub, whom I contacted FIRST before posting the AMA thread. So, want me gone? Take it up with them OK? Until then, reddit is a public community of which I have every right you do to show up and spew whatever I want. Until this place is made private, you're just going to have to.........

(Deal with it.)[]

No I rather just fuck with you. Don’t get all in an uproar Danny. Sounds like I got under your skin a tiny bit try to relax, take a seat, have a glass a water and then shut the fuck up.

Classic. Respond at all and you have to throw that "under your skin" jab. You're the one all fucking bothered that I started a fukcing PODCAST. Who's under who's skin here....

I’m having a great day, I’m fine. I’m simply saying, if I came on here asking for money and promoting a podcast I’m sure I’d get some feedback. Did you seriously not expect to get fucked with?

Are you an ex-staff member of the show this sub is dedicated to?

When I go to the supermarket, Doritos aren't asking you for your money. Doritos are a product that you can choose to enjoy or not. I've never seen a bag of Doritos BEG me to purchase them. Get your head out of your ass and leave you biases elsewhere. Try not hating me for 5 mins for zero reason.

No dude, I have zero affiliation with the show. Please don’t associate me with the show.

I don’t hate you, I don’t even know you, I had never heard of you before you came on this sub. Don’t talk shit on Doritos either. Have a good day Danny, some of us have work.

Any chance of getting an answer to the question that started this thread? Ant's just accused you on Twitter of having nothing on him beyond "loving his family", so might be a good moment to be explicit.

Didn't I post a whole thread outlining it?

I must have missed that? You've clarified quite a bit here and there, but I don't think you've specified whether Ant was bragging or guilty or whatever when he made his confession. Not that it's super-vital, but some specifics of the actual confession might sway a few doubters and maybe convince Ant to address it.

It was braggadocious if I had to choose.

Maybe just check his posts...?

I hear Danny come up all the time during the old show

I’m sure he would get mentioned occasionally

He's what the members of this group aspire to be: internet famous and a Cunt to everyone he ever met

There will be no legalities. Statutes are over and if I am sued for libel, I can easily prove what I said to be true. have nothing? Of course.

This happened more than 9 years ago? Statute of limitations in New York doesn't start until the victim reaches 18 years of age, and from a quick Googling, sexual assault of a minor is a 5 year SOL.

You can prove that Keith told you he raped someone? You can prove that he fingered a 14-year-old? I think everyone here would love to see that.

If you can prove any fingered a 14 year old, wouldn't you feel a little obligated to like, show it to the police?

I don't understand. What didn't I do?

I’m having a great day, I’m fine. I’m simply saying, if I came on here asking for money and promoting a podcast I’m sure I’d get some feedback. Did you seriously not expect to get fucked with?

No dude, I have zero affiliation with the show. Please don’t associate me with the show.

I don’t hate you, I don’t even know you, I had never heard of you before you came on this sub. Don’t talk shit on Doritos either. Have a good day Danny, some of us have work.

Any chance of getting an answer to the question that started this thread? Ant's just accused you on Twitter of having nothing on him beyond "loving his family", so might be a good moment to be explicit.