Steven Spielmilkers

22  2018-04-10 by falconeofnazareth


Just look at this and tell me jews are human.

True but surgeons are pretty good now and that's one fuckable lizard person letting her titties hang out like that.

There's only so much a surgeon could do with that nose, just look at Howard.

Oy gevalt! u/TheBlueAwning Danny come look at what these awful awful people are saying!

Lmao here comes the paragrahs

Yeah ya jew! Got some shekels for ya

Never understood why jews love to align themselves with black people when black people so often hate jews?

this is actually the best answer youre gonna find to that question

That's hilarious hearing it in the most jewish voice humanly possible.

he is jewish. paul gottfreid. good dude

They love to allign themselves with blacks but that doesn’t mean they love blacks. Blacks are useful idiots to them.

am i the only one who has an urge to hack a machete or chainsaw right down the center?


Her father definitely isn't the high priest of a satanic Hollywood pedophile ring. The prevalence of young boys in his films are just his inner child represented on film.

She's going to age like a moth-ridden sweater.

She's one of those girls you slept with in college that whenever you talk about it, you have to show pictures from 10 years ago because now she looks like her potato-shaped mother.

age like a moth-ridden sweater.

Line of the day.
Line of the day.

I know you like to rip on Jews but cmon: those hangers? That ass?


"Jew tits" are a phenomenon and I am all about them. I fucking love jewish women.

She looks way too much like her dad though

I’m sure her adopted black brother never tried to gorilla fuck her.

Take this gift into your marriage.
Just get some load-bearing ribbons and install a reinforced ceiling in your bedroom.

She’s ugly but them titties a problem. Facts.