The man has a portrait of Ozzy in his apartment.

37  2018-04-10 by RBuddCumia


what an empty faggot

You don't like the Jim Norton Museum of Self-Validation and Epic Heavy Metal?


I like Ozzy as much as the next guy, but to put a creepy pic of him as a young man on the wall? Is there any chance Jim isn't jerking off to this?

If it was signed during that time it would be acceptable. Actually no even then it wouldn't be.

I collect a lot of signed music memorabilia. None of it is hanging on my wall. Im not 13.

Prove it kid.



Not just a portrait a candid portrait..

Idolizing a man who would rather sit in a lobby than come up to the studio to see him.

And let's not forget how Ozzy turned his back on Jim's presents right after unwrapping them...and walked straight out of the studio.

What kind of faggot buys and wraps gifts for someone they aren't even remotely close to? I'd love to meet Ozzy and ask him "hey hows Jim Norton doing" just to hear him reply with a puzzled "Who?"

It gives me a hard on watching the worm try to fake laugh it off like it doesnt bother him. phony faggot, just like the way he would treat civilians.

His little wormy heart was broken.

On the adjacent wall he an equally tasteful framed picture of Eddie of Iron Maiden fame.

Jimmy makes me like Black Sabbath less

Let's not get hasty

Jim is a great tool for learning how not to behave as a respectable male. Among so many other things, he shows us how hero worship to this degree is not a good look for an adult man. It’s objectively pathetic and sad. A 50 year old man should not still be looking up to other men. He should be able to look at himself in the mirror. Don’t be Jim Norton.

Truth. As most men mature they usually develop hobbies and interests that satisfy on a deeper or more wholesome level. Some men fish. Some tend gardens. Some rebuild a classic car and some get into wood working. Jim has prostitutes and twitter.

That's not true, you can look up to other men. But men like George Patton or Sun Tzu or the dude who invented the cotton gin.

I honestly hate Jim way more than Opie or Anthony at this point. Fucking little creep

I asked this facetiously before but for real, why is he so enamored with Ozzy? He just likes Ozzy's music? Something else?

A large part of Jim is actually just Chip. That Brummie drug addict biting the head off a bat and singing about death and shiznit brings out the dvvv dvvv fawk yeah in Jim/Chip or Jip, if you like. He's a twerp who's emotionally and socially stuck at his stunted, suburban 14 year old self.

I'm half this man's age and I can remember the day I stopped idolizing musicians.

I could see Jimmy talking to it sometimes. "Ozzy, why don't 20-year old girls like-like me?"

Not even a good portrait. What is Ozzy doing with his hand? Is he choking?

When you have no real human relationships, you have to fill the empty spaces with a rich fantasy life.

Ozzy fucking sucks, Sabbath was groundbreaking and are forefathers of metal which I can respect. But Ozzy's solo career sucks. Randy Rhoads was a fantastic guitarist, but is nowhere near the "best guitarist of all time" bullshit you children that are barking at the moon make up.

He also has a KISS poster over his bed.

''man'' are you drunk? Or is Jim in some random guys apartment? jims a soft boy man-child at best and a limp wristed faggot most of the time.

Ewwww, it's not even like funny/cool rocker Ozzy. It's young Ozzy in an uncharacteristically "sexy" pose. Jim is gay, Jim is gay, Jim is gay.
