Who knew years later this baby would own a suitcase full of glass dildos?

94  2018-04-10 by Whirling-Derpish


Patrice was only 3 days old in this picture. He wrecked his mothers pussy.

Thats Lamarr fixing Chips mudders carpet.

He’s already breaking bitches down at this young stage

He looked exactly the same when be died.

Ay que chulo 👶👶👶

Cool find, really surreal

Hey, did you guys know that Opie was the one who talked sense into Patrice and made him realize that carrying around a suitcase full of glass dildos and taking them through airport customs was really weird? I believe Opie may have mentioned it once.

Sage advice by Opie

He looks just as unimpressed with us as he would be now

Nice early death, stupid

That's a huge fucking baby.

Never lost that bay fat

Didn't he stop all that bullshit when he started fucking without a condom? Like he didn't know how good it was and after that he didn't need stupid gadgets?

I think he was close to a virgin most of his life.

I know this psychoanalytical doofus could be overwhelming, but his death and Steve’s made me feel a bit of sadness.

RIP my dudes.

Their voices stay forever in our thoughts brotha men

That’s...that’s terrible I’m sorry

That’s...that’s terrible I’m sorry

You can kinda tell just by lookin at him

Already too fat, even for a toddler.

I didn't know it was possible to be intimidated by a baby.

That traveling case of the glass dildos thing was some high key down low faggot shit. Patrice "my girlfriend's daughter" O'Neal, I love you but the erectile dysfunction was real with ya! THIS NIGGA LIKED HAVING HIS NIPPLES SUCKED! FUCK U!

Little bitch manager.

so gangster