Bobby on his way to the YMCA

9  2018-04-10 by Whirling-Derpish


Why does this nigga have teen idols on his wall

He’s a faaagggg

Fuckin vomit inducing

He looks like he venerates the entrepreneur, and can name five brands of cereal.

What a mo

If only he knew how much that gut would inflate in the coming years.

Is it odd that he has A LOT of posters of dudes on his wall? I mean when I was a kid I had comics and shit and even a magazine of a computer game of a chick that had big tits as the ad, but never any dudes.

Nah, he was probably compensating for a lack of positive male influence in his life. Nigga was all abused and shit.

Those eyes have been dead for a long time.