Chip podacast rebranded as Chip Chipperson Show and now simulcast on Sirius?

8  2018-04-10 by WindiPaper


Fawwwkin barruuudal. The ultimate fuck you to Gregg "Opie" Hughes. The circle is complete.

How embarrassing for Tits. A parody of him is on the platform and he isn’t.

"That can't possibly still be a thing?" sniff

Now he is being paid a salary by Sirius for chip, does jim have any plans in the pipeline to start putting zero effort into the show and basically coasting on autopilot like with his other sxm projects?

So does this mean Anthony can no longer be a guest?

Jim tweeting as Chip is fucking CRINGE.


I am astonished how many people miss the mark from time to time. Chip is claiming he works for Sirius as he 'appears' on the morning show.

Yeah that’s why it says Chip Chipperson Show as the name now and before it was just a personal account. Totally meaningless change.

It said Sirius before.

If didn’t say Chip Chipperson Show before. Way to miss the point, misses the point guy.

You’re alive?